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Unity Roadmap 2011

polycounter lvl 14
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Thomas P. polycounter lvl 14
For those of you who use the Unity Game Engine please check these awesome news:


So many incredible updates coming it makes my head spin! :)



  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Some nice stuff. I'm looking forward to the procedural textures, new prefab system, and texture streaming.

    Really some big leaps forward.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Looks cool. I know some people that will be very happy to finally have terrain support for mobile.

    Lots of nice stuff in there.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Unity 3.5 seems to have all the things I wanted Unity to have! Very exciting!
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    Awesome, really looking forward to this - especially the GUI system and the new prefabs. Thanks for the link!
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I'm just getting into Unity, and the little annoyances are what bugs me the most. That it just throws objects into the scene wherever it feels like it is weird. The fact I still can't get decent results with the built in shaders is more than frustrating. The way they handle spec, AND transparency in the Alpha channel of the textures, at least in the shitty default shaders. The fact I don't know where my view is in the editor world half the time. I don't know, maybe it's me, but I'm more annoyed with the little things like that
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    What do you mean "It throws objects into the scene wherever it feels like"? Are you talking about when you drag and drop a prefab or whatever in the scene it places it not at [0,0,0] but sort of where you left your cursor? If so, yeah; that is annoying.

    The default shaders do suck indeed. That's why you write your own or use commander_keen's ShaderFusion. :)
    All those little naggly bits aside, I personally still believe Unity is the most artist friendly commercially available engine out there. Anyone claiming otherwise simply never used it.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I made 2 boxes last night, just from the menu, game object stuff, and without changing view angles, or view ports, it put one box at one point, and the next box almost out of the view. It was weird. The drag and drop thing for objects, I kinda figured it would be weird since I'M placing it, not necessarily the engine. But straight from the menu, it put 2 boxes in two vastly different places. Weird.

    I didn't know about commander_keen's ShaderFusion. I will look that up immediately. I just REALLY want my art to not suck when it's in Unity. It looks a million times better in Max's viewport with xoliul, or 3PSS. Then into Unity cause I think it looks good, and pffffffffffffffbbbbttt...
  • Thomas P.
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    Thomas P. polycounter lvl 14
    @Jeremy-S Sounds more like a glitch than anything. As for the shaders, you can always write your own, buy some from the asset store, ask others, check wiki or use "Strumpy" shader editor which gives you all the power you will ever need.


    As for the placing objects. Unity always places objects based on where you are looking at from a virtual camera. So it's always good to zero out the placement or if you have an imported mesh, drag it into the "hierachy" panel and not directly into the viewport cause that way it will keep the meshes origin.

    I think you would be positively surprised if you give Unity a bit more love and time.

    Thomas P.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Oh don't get me wrong, I'm gonna be giving it a lot of time. I wanna learn it, and maybe make something at least kinda cool with it.

    I got Strumpy's, but I can't seem to get it to work with even the most basic functions. I know it's all my fault, but trying for ages, and still not getting anywhere gets old.

    I'll remember that object placement tip, thanks.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    Ooh fantastic, seems liek a bunch of things I'm struggling with they actually fixed or improved :D! <3 Unity
  • pixelmitherer
  • 0brn0
    So far I've found Unity to be a great engine, looking forward to the next couple of releases. Being able to send skinning to a separate thread is going to be a huge performance boost. :)
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Maph wrote: »
    All those little naggly bits aside, I personally still believe Unity is the most artist friendly commercially available engine out there.

    This is nice to hear as I've just started looking into Unity as my first attempt at creating a game of my own. Need to get up and running on it's art implementation side before I dig into the more technical aspects of game mechanics and code. Glad the update is looking good.
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