Hey guys! A friend of mine from school swears by this site and after looking around for a few weeks I am starting a sketchbook. I am currently self teaching game art. I do have a Bachelor's but I didn't like Graphic Design so I took a few semesters of 3D Animation at AI last year. Money was short so now I am teaching myself at home.
Please take a look at my work and tell me what you think. I am big fan of getting solid critique so don't be shy.
These are a few character pieces I practiced zbrush and max with

This picture is of my latest work in progress. Everything I have made so far is an incomplete mess so this is probably a good start.

And below is the concept I used(loosely). Props to that man Tuomas Korpi.

panel with hi-poly next to it
normal I got in 3ds max projection
Concept(thanks Mr. Pavel Savchuk)
progress render
hi-poly wires so far
I am still trying to figure out what stuff should or should not be floating geometry. Maybe nowadays I should just export to Zbrush? All comments appreciated.