I tried playing the RE games back in the day but I found them too frustrating to play. The graphics, story and atmosphere were great but trying to move around in those environments was like trying to drive a tank. And the limited inventory you were given didn't help. But..
LOVED RE4 cause it was an improvement, ie over the shoulder style. In fact I played through RE4 a couple of times and played the hell out of the mercanaries section. But maybe that's just me. :P
I liked them, I liked that genre, Dino Crisis was fun too, so was bioforge, but the locked camera mostly pisses me off now. Still if done right it can be fun.
i personaly love the fixed camera, althought it as its downsides it improves gameplay a bunch adding more suspance to what comes next, is there an zombie in the corner or im i safe.
i was a bit desapointed about RE4 because its not survival/horror is just another action game but whit zombies.
DMC and Dino Crisis where the two only series that did camera's right. RE and the tanks controls were very cheap...making me scared based upon my turning speed is cheap.
I would like to see some cinematic cameras that tread along when moving into certain areas. Uncharted did it, God of war did it, and the very first Silent Hill did it! Why can't we have some of that. I love resident evil, but it also has to understand that you can narrate and tell something with the camera. I miss the vibe the old resident evil had. I don't see that anymore. As much as i love RE4 i don't consider it a RE game. But yea... i am hoping the new resident evil games that are coming out redeem 5, cuz man was that one a drag.
how can you guys hate the locked cameras?? I feel like I'm the only person in the world that wishes their return.. It gave this awesome sense of dread that I can't see whats in front of me. Kind of like the tension a movie gives when the character sees something terrible that we don't. Pish Posh. Ya'll haters.
Struggling to get through RE5:Gold Edition right now, it's so bad.
And I'm looking at that new Left 4 dead rip-off that has the resident evil name attached to it with disgust. I want to have to find 4 rubies to open a door damnit, not play another Gears clone. Unfortunately Japanese developers think they are going to fix their industry by emulating the worst and most generic parts of the Western games industry
It's a shame. I have no problems with them fixing the camera, or at least making the game more playable, but I do have a problem with them turning the games into something different.
Resident Evil 4 was, in my opinion, very good. RE5 is mostly an action game. I don't recall their being any puzzles what so ever. I still had fun with it, but it isn't going the right direction IMO. Capcom already has enough 3rd person shooter IP's, if you ask me. So resident evil should stay horror.
I'm just hoping Vatra doesn't mess up the new Silent Hill..
It looks promising so far.
Old RE style? Hell I miss the old Alone in the Dark style when we hads only teh color filled and error diffuse noise tabled polygons projected on LBM files! And we didn't keep a CD in spinnin when you "go through a door" for a whole 1X speed minute, we installed it ALL from FLOPPY DISKETTES!
Now get off my lawn !!!1
Resident Evil 4 is a very playable game, but 4 and 5 cannot be regarded as RE titles in my opinion. If a vag-flower bursts out of your opponents head when you shoot at it, it is not a zombie= not Resident Evil.
Well, what can I say? I got interested in creating game environments due to Resident Evil 2 and 3. Those titles still have some of the best environments ever made imo.
I even tried to implement a similar fixed camera system while prototyping a cancelled 3DS game at Ubisoft Sao Paulo. Well it wasn't a 100% fixed camera, although it didn't move it was still locked on the player model. That worked really well with the touch screen controls but unfortunately the big shots at the studio got it wrong and thought it would turn a girly game into a scare mess!
I have the passion and disposition to create anything resembling a good horror game. I think the last good one i played that surprised me was Silent Hill: Shattered Memories! That game was thrilling and scary and awesome. I hope the new one follows, cuz it looks really nice so far.
As for Resident Evil... i don't know... i just hope it's not a mindless action game that doesn't put you on edge.
fixed camera is alright until you walk straight into a zombie in the next camera angle.. ok it's a surprise, but it breaks my suspension of disbelief, because well.. who in their right mind would walk straight into a zombie infront of them :P
I would love a properly done locked camera game, or a camera on a very limited track. The problem is so few people since then have managed to do it right. Like Roo pointed out the environments need to be designed for the camera angle and it seems like so many games cooked up environments and then would place cameras as an after thought.
So instead of walking down a straight hall a RE hall would zigzag with the cameras carefully placed so you exit each scene by going around a corner or through a doorway or down some stairs or around a giant pile of rubble. The great games made those transitions and corners with anything and everything instead of just hallways and doors.
The main thing that broke suspension of disbelief for me was all the damn loading screen, which they couldn't really get around at the time. Go through a door, loading. Go up stairs, loading. Get ambushed and have to jump back through the door, triple loading. Have to go get the blue key for the red door, so much running and loading through areas you had cleared...
Also another sticking point was that here is my character who is suposidly some amazing badass or an average human who can't jump over a few scattered bricks on the ground. oh that's the edge of the playable area, giant invisible fence...
But even then they where still awesome.
I think there is a HUGE potential for this in mobile touch based gaming. Everyone wants to push FPS style nav on systems that can barely handle it and they use console style controls, that feel like jello.
I think there is a HUGE potential for this in mobile touch based gaming. Everyone wants to push FPS style nav on systems that can barely handle it and they use console style controls, that feel like jello.
Exactly what i thought when I proposed the fixed camera system during the prototypes phase Imagine the kind of depth you could create with a system like this in a 3DS game...
There's an obvious problem with the fixed camera angles of early RE games. They essentially prevented you from aiming effectively. The control they afforded the developer allowed for more cinematic angles and some delightfully atmospheric environments. They invested power with the developer to craft the player's experience.
The over-the-shoulder camera of recent RE games is detrimental to the atmosphere and the tension. But it is much, much better for the gameplay.
If you wanted to create a fixed-camera game in this day and age, you would need to come up with a method for compensating for the limitations it places on the gameplay. I would suggest making a game that doesn't let you attack enemies, but instead focuses on escaping enemies by making it easier to traverse the environment.
@Richard Kain
i cant see the problem whit aiming on RE specialy since i killed nemesis whit knife ^^.
althought cant move while shooting was a pain sometimes. on the prototype i made move+shooting available and its kick ass ^^
i cant agree over the better gameplay even when they share the same saga name they arent the same genre. so its like comparing warcraft whit world of warcraft.
i found out silent hill series more challanging, also love their melle weapons it compensates alot the lack of ammo and adds more the survivor felling to it.
Quoted for truth. I don't have any issue with the shoulder cam, and haven't felt like it hurt game intensity at all.
What I do have an issue with is this:
RPG weapon upgrades (this is survival horror - you shouldn't be fucking with incremental weapon upgrades)
Too much ammo / kill every enemy on screen before you progress (conservation of ammo adds to the stress of combat - when you don't need to do this, it really takes me out of the game)
the SHITTY cover system they tried to implement in RE5 (really flaky and stiff)
controls are still not fluid (can't walk and shoot - walking and turning are still a hyper-bitch - have to turn my character like a fucking 1950's robot to walk in a different direction - can't strafe - can't sidestep)
quicktime events (enough already, Capcom - it's not cute anymore)
@Richard Kain
i cant see the problem whit aiming on RE specialy since i killed nemesis whit knife ^^.
althought cant move while shooting was a pain sometimes. on the prototype i made move+shooting available and its kick ass ^^
In the early RE games, you could "rotate" your character to face the enemy. After that you could either point your gun up or down, or just leave it level. That was the extent of the "aiming" and it was very slap-dash. If a major focus of your game is shooting enemies, then it makes sense to make the shooting mechanics more entertaining.
This is exactly what Capcom did with RE4. By shifting the camera to a point behind the player, they made the shooting mechanics more central to the gameplay. This approach worked, the shooting was much more fun and engaging than it had been in previous RE titles. But they also sacrificed a good portion of the tension, and many fans saw it as more of an action game than a survival horror title.
The point of a survival horror title should be instilling a sense of desperation in the player, not empowering them to mow down their enemies. This is why so many people hold the Silent Hill series in such high esteem. The early titles in that series give you almost no weapons, and the ones you do get are quite ineffectual. The game encourages you to run rather than fight.
I would be more interested in a survival horror game that made it more interesting and engaging to run than fight.
Old RE style? Hell I miss the old Alone in the Dark style when we hads only teh color filled and error diffuse noise tabled polygons projected on LBM files! And we didn't keep a CD in spinnin when you "go through a door" for a whole 1X speed minute, we installed it ALL from FLOPPY DISKETTES!
Now get off my lawn !!!1
This was the game that started it all, not RE
And yes, it was teh shit
...many fans saw (RE4) as more of an action game than a survival horror title.
The early titles in that series give you almost no weapons, and the ones you do get are quite ineffectual. The game encourages you to run rather than fight.
Being able to see what you're shooting at and where you're actually running to isn't the issue here. An obvious shift from "survive if you can" to "kill everything before you proceed" happens in RE4. This is a gameplay issue (too much ammo, can't proceed until enemies are killed, etc) not a camera issue.
The beginning of RE4 with the village full of maniacs was fucking scary - and it's how the game should have played: overwhelmed by enemies from all sides, never enough ammo. The fact that I can actually see what I'm afraid of and actually move around in 3D space is not a mood killer.
why are we calling out re4, which is an outrageously well designed, well received, well selling, and good game?
Like, it's one thing to say 'i miss games like alone in the dark/re/silent hill', it's another to say re4 is the problem.
One of the only extremely good action games EVER that breaks away from the 'standard' fps/action game mold and offers truly unique mechanics and pacing. A genuinely innovative title that got PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING RIGHT, even if it didn't exactly resemble its namesake.
Not liking it actually empirically makes you a philistine.
ALSO, if the camera angle isn't the problem, why aren't you playing Amnesia?
no one flamed RE4, and didnt said it was an bad title just saying it isnt RE anymore. well to say the truth i only enjoyed it till mid castle part even then i went till the end.
(opens notepad) ^^ lots of good feedback here
so for what i can get from discussion is that old RE movemeant was an bitch and it should focus alot on that before leaving prototype.
how do u guys imagine an good meveament for this ?
No one is flaming RE4, which happens to be the best Resident Evil and one of the greatest games of all time. But it IS a definite switch in more than one way.
I'm just trying to point out that the change in camera view was not the lynchpin in the shift from survival horror to action, but instead the change in gameplay (RPG-like weapon upgrades, plentiful ammo, and only allowing players to proceed upon killing all the enemies in a room). I may have done a poor job of alluding to the fact that I do not miss the camera or controls of the old RE, but I do miss the situations.
For my money, the best part about RE4 was the beginning of the game (RE4 was scary as shit when you were surrounded and outgunned) and Survival mode.
I'm not attempting to criticize Resident Evil 4. I'm just pointing out how the changes that it introduced degraded its value as a survival horror game. RE4 is an excellent game, it's just that its an excellent action/shooter game. As a survival horror title, it falls short.
The camera choices in RE4 were directly tied to the shift in gameplay. You could not have presented those changes to the gameplay without shifting the camera perspective. It's true that the changes to the inventory system and weapon system also altered the focus of the game, but I feel that all of those changes were in service to the core gameplay. (which centered around accurately shooting enemies)
I felt the scariest part of Resident Evil 4 was the laboratory where you first encounter the regenerators. Without knowing how to defeat them, the player initially feels helpless. After a considerable portion of the game where the player felt empowered by the gameplay, they are faced with a scenario where their arsenal becomes all but useless. It was a sequence that subverted the expectations that the game had already established, and made me feel vulnerable in the face of a lurching monstrosity. That's the kind of creeping dread I would expect from a survival horror title.
I don't have any issue with the shoulder cam, and haven't felt like it hurt game intensity at all.
RE5's 'aim but cant move at the same time' control scheme destroyed the game. Flat out. Never felt much frustration playing the old resi's... some bumping into corners, thats it.
RE5's 'aim but cant move at the same time' control scheme destroyed the game. Flat out. Never felt much frustration playing the old resi's... some bumping into corners, thats it.
Not being able to aim/shoot and move is in EVERY Resident Evil, ever. Yes, it sucks balls, but it still doesn't have shit to do with where the camera is.
I agree with you, though, that the controls in RE5 are total ass.
Absolutely, it only dawned on me that it was the exact same in the old Resi's as I was writing that post... but somehow, it works in the old titles, and definitely does not in 5. Probably down to our expectations from other similar 'over the shoulder' titles. But then there's the whole inventory issue as well... shockingly bad in 5. I thought the gold edition with the move controls would improve things, but they added nothing apart from aiming the reticule with the wand. How hard would it have been to let Chris move and aim in the gold edition... -_-'
well it aint pretty (at least it as some pink box´s) but if some of u has some spare time can u please test the movemeant prototype and give some feedback on it, that would be awesome
I miss the classic resident evil style, like fixed camera intense gameplay puzzle solving etc.
I still have a lot of sympathy for those 15 + years old horror titles (early RE scared the shit of me, and their successors/clones like Silent hill, Clock Tower and Parasite Eve were awesome too)
but I hated their control system than, will hate it now too
Echoing someone itt, those games had pretty much perfect atmosphere set by means of carefully crafted environments. I would love to see more of it today.
I loved Fixed cameras and I still do. I loved RE 1/2/3 and Parasite EVE 2.
I wonder why someone would hate such a great system...
Indeed the system was created because back in the days there were hardware limitations... but this lead to the creation of a wonderful design...
The only things that I didn't liked was that in RE 1/2 and Parasite EVE 2 you couldn't do a quick 180 turn. That was fixed in RE 3 where by holding back + run the character would turn 180 immediately.
Other thing was the auto aim. You were only able to shoot up, down or straight forward... In my opinion if in RE 1/2/3 games the aim would've had followed the actual target like in Parasite EVE 2 all would've been great.
I also loved the door transitions when you walked through a door and the next level would load. I also liked the captions that were indicating what area are you entering like in Dino Crisis.
Another thing I didn't liked in RE 1/2 was that you needed to press the action button to climb stairs... (there also were 2 or 3 steps stairs like the ones in the Police station) That was indeed annoing. Also fixed in RE3.
So the perfect system if you ask me would be exactly like RE 3 but only with PE 2 aiming system. (the weapon would actually point toward the enemy/target) plus the Dino Crisis captions on door transitions.
There's different types of fear and tension, original RE games did it by putting you in a tight space with hard controls, "argh there's a friggin zombie!"
While it can be argued that RE4 was more action and therefore less scary, I have to disagree. Now it was about fighting as hard as you could when "argh there's so many of them and they're all out to get me!"
and I don't think anybody can say RE4 wasn't scary once they got up to the Regenerators.
i think the entire MGS series has done fixed camera angles pretty well, too. i think MGS 4 was the only one that wasn't permanently fixed, it had areas that were fixed and areas that weren't, right?
I mean, seriously, it looks like it would be amazing.
That's on the GAMECUBE, by the way.
Too much Silent Hill... I loved Silent Hill 1/2/3/4, nothing to say, but it's not Resident Evil...
Where are the Resident Evil games CRAPCOM used to make back in the days... ?
Not that RE4 would be a bad game by any means... but it's just another genre...
Just take a look at RE Remake/Zero those were amazing games. Beats out the crap out of any beta of RE4 by far...
I'd rather play one billion RE 0/1/2/3/CV Remakes than RE 4/5/6/etc...
RE2 was my favorite, then the Re remake for GameCube. The tank controls were fine for me and after 4 I stopped playing. Just went in some strange over the top action not scary something...
I loved the RE cameras, along with Dino crysis and MGS, but i think now you're still seeing it to some extent in games like uncharted (in some areas) and god of war. but ultimately in RE/DC that was what built up suspense, because you never knew what was around a corner. nowadays 3rd person games tend to allow you to cheat that and see whats there, id really love to see a new game using that 100% fixed camera again.
Its nice to see the 3DS title coming out will have "puzzles" and more "horror" in it, to be honest.
LOVED RE4 cause it was an improvement, ie over the shoulder style. In fact I played through RE4 a couple of times and played the hell out of the mercanaries section. But maybe that's just me. :P
i was a bit desapointed about RE4 because its not survival/horror is just another action game but whit zombies.
@Mark Dygert: Dino Crisis was EPIC to ^^
do u guys think there are enough demand for those genre or not ?
Oh, also Silent Hill...now that was done right.
Struggling to get through RE5:Gold Edition right now, it's so bad.
And I'm looking at that new Left 4 dead rip-off that has the resident evil name attached to it with disgust. I want to have to find 4 rubies to open a door damnit, not play another Gears clone. Unfortunately Japanese developers think they are going to fix their industry by emulating the worst and most generic parts of the Western games industry
Resident Evil 4 was, in my opinion, very good. RE5 is mostly an action game. I don't recall their being any puzzles what so ever. I still had fun with it, but it isn't going the right direction IMO. Capcom already has enough 3rd person shooter IP's, if you ask me. So resident evil should stay horror.
I'm just hoping Vatra doesn't mess up the new Silent Hill..
It looks promising so far.
Now get off my lawn !!!1
don't hate, leilei
I even tried to implement a similar fixed camera system while prototyping a cancelled 3DS game at Ubisoft Sao Paulo. Well it wasn't a 100% fixed camera, although it didn't move it was still locked on the player model. That worked really well with the touch screen controls but unfortunately the big shots at the studio got it wrong and thought it would turn a girly game into a scare mess!
seems theres still some interest on the genre yet
maybe i can go to next step and find a modeler / animator whit the same passion i do for that genre ^^ anyone wanna join
As for Resident Evil... i don't know... i just hope it's not a mindless action game that doesn't put you on edge.
I have a passion for millions!
sell our game for 2 dollars and we'll be millionaires within the week I tells you! :poly128:
I guess just choose the angles *carefully*
So instead of walking down a straight hall a RE hall would zigzag with the cameras carefully placed so you exit each scene by going around a corner or through a doorway or down some stairs or around a giant pile of rubble. The great games made those transitions and corners with anything and everything instead of just hallways and doors.
The main thing that broke suspension of disbelief for me was all the damn loading screen, which they couldn't really get around at the time. Go through a door, loading. Go up stairs, loading. Get ambushed and have to jump back through the door, triple loading. Have to go get the blue key for the red door, so much running and loading through areas you had cleared...
Also another sticking point was that here is my character who is suposidly some amazing badass or an average human who can't jump over a few scattered bricks on the ground. oh that's the edge of the playable area, giant invisible fence...
But even then they where still awesome.
I think there is a HUGE potential for this in mobile touch based gaming. Everyone wants to push FPS style nav on systems that can barely handle it and they use console style controls, that feel like jello.
no. I don't miss that.
Exactly what i thought when I proposed the fixed camera system during the prototypes phase
The over-the-shoulder camera of recent RE games is detrimental to the atmosphere and the tension. But it is much, much better for the gameplay.
If you wanted to create a fixed-camera game in this day and age, you would need to come up with a method for compensating for the limitations it places on the gameplay. I would suggest making a game that doesn't let you attack enemies, but instead focuses on escaping enemies by making it easier to traverse the environment.
lolz wouldnt be the 1st´s.
@Mark Dygert
great points. (opens notepad) ^^
@Richard Kain
i cant see the problem whit aiming on RE specialy since i killed nemesis whit knife ^^.
althought cant move while shooting was a pain sometimes. on the prototype i made move+shooting available and its kick ass ^^
i cant agree over the better gameplay even when they share the same saga name they arent the same genre. so its like comparing warcraft whit world of warcraft.
i found out silent hill series more challanging, also love their melle weapons it compensates alot the lack of ammo and adds more the survivor felling to it.
Quoted for truth. I don't have any issue with the shoulder cam, and haven't felt like it hurt game intensity at all.
What I do have an issue with is this:
In the early RE games, you could "rotate" your character to face the enemy. After that you could either point your gun up or down, or just leave it level. That was the extent of the "aiming" and it was very slap-dash. If a major focus of your game is shooting enemies, then it makes sense to make the shooting mechanics more entertaining.
This is exactly what Capcom did with RE4. By shifting the camera to a point behind the player, they made the shooting mechanics more central to the gameplay. This approach worked, the shooting was much more fun and engaging than it had been in previous RE titles. But they also sacrificed a good portion of the tension, and many fans saw it as more of an action game than a survival horror title.
The point of a survival horror title should be instilling a sense of desperation in the player, not empowering them to mow down their enemies. This is why so many people hold the Silent Hill series in such high esteem. The early titles in that series give you almost no weapons, and the ones you do get are quite ineffectual. The game encourages you to run rather than fight.
I would be more interested in a survival horror game that made it more interesting and engaging to run than fight.
This was the game that started it all, not RE
And yes, it was teh shit
Being able to see what you're shooting at and where you're actually running to isn't the issue here. An obvious shift from "survive if you can" to "kill everything before you proceed" happens in RE4. This is a gameplay issue (too much ammo, can't proceed until enemies are killed, etc) not a camera issue.
The beginning of RE4 with the village full of maniacs was fucking scary - and it's how the game should have played: overwhelmed by enemies from all sides, never enough ammo. The fact that I can actually see what I'm afraid of and actually move around in 3D space is not a mood killer.
Like, it's one thing to say 'i miss games like alone in the dark/re/silent hill', it's another to say re4 is the problem.
One of the only extremely good action games EVER that breaks away from the 'standard' fps/action game mold and offers truly unique mechanics and pacing. A genuinely innovative title that got PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING RIGHT, even if it didn't exactly resemble its namesake.
Not liking it actually empirically makes you a philistine.
ALSO, if the camera angle isn't the problem, why aren't you playing Amnesia?
no one flamed RE4, and didnt said it was an bad title just saying it isnt RE anymore. well to say the truth i only enjoyed it till mid castle part even then i went till the end.
(opens notepad) ^^ lots of good feedback here
so for what i can get from discussion is that old RE movemeant was an bitch and it should focus alot on that before leaving prototype.
how do u guys imagine an good meveament for this ?
I'm just trying to point out that the change in camera view was not the lynchpin in the shift from survival horror to action, but instead the change in gameplay (RPG-like weapon upgrades, plentiful ammo, and only allowing players to proceed upon killing all the enemies in a room). I may have done a poor job of alluding to the fact that I do not miss the camera or controls of the old RE, but I do miss the situations.
For my money, the best part about RE4 was the beginning of the game (RE4 was scary as shit when you were surrounded and outgunned) and Survival mode.
The camera choices in RE4 were directly tied to the shift in gameplay. You could not have presented those changes to the gameplay without shifting the camera perspective. It's true that the changes to the inventory system and weapon system also altered the focus of the game, but I feel that all of those changes were in service to the core gameplay. (which centered around accurately shooting enemies)
I felt the scariest part of Resident Evil 4 was the laboratory where you first encounter the regenerators. Without knowing how to defeat them, the player initially feels helpless. After a considerable portion of the game where the player felt empowered by the gameplay, they are faced with a scenario where their arsenal becomes all but useless. It was a sequence that subverted the expectations that the game had already established, and made me feel vulnerable in the face of a lurching monstrosity. That's the kind of creeping dread I would expect from a survival horror title.
RE5's 'aim but cant move at the same time' control scheme destroyed the game. Flat out. Never felt much frustration playing the old resi's... some bumping into corners, thats it.
Not being able to aim/shoot and move is in EVERY Resident Evil, ever. Yes, it sucks balls, but it still doesn't have shit to do with where the camera is.
I agree with you, though, that the controls in RE5 are total ass.
Prototype Download
Instructions are "ingame".
but I hated their control system than, will hate it now too
Echoing someone itt, those games had pretty much perfect atmosphere set by means of carefully crafted environments. I would love to see more of it today.
I wonder why someone would hate such a great system...
Indeed the system was created because back in the days there were hardware limitations... but this lead to the creation of a wonderful design...
The only things that I didn't liked was that in RE 1/2 and Parasite EVE 2 you couldn't do a quick 180 turn. That was fixed in RE 3 where by holding back + run the character would turn 180 immediately.
Other thing was the auto aim. You were only able to shoot up, down or straight forward... In my opinion if in RE 1/2/3 games the aim would've had followed the actual target like in Parasite EVE 2 all would've been great.
I also loved the door transitions when you walked through a door and the next level would load. I also liked the captions that were indicating what area are you entering like in Dino Crisis.
Another thing I didn't liked in RE 1/2 was that you needed to press the action button to climb stairs... (there also were 2 or 3 steps stairs like the ones in the Police station) That was indeed annoing. Also fixed in RE3.
So the perfect system if you ask me would be exactly like RE 3 but only with PE 2 aiming system. (the weapon would actually point toward the enemy/target) plus the Dino Crisis captions on door transitions.
While it can be argued that RE4 was more action and therefore less scary, I have to disagree. Now it was about fighting as hard as you could when "argh there's so many of them and they're all out to get me!"
and I don't think anybody can say RE4 wasn't scary once they got up to the Regenerators.
I mean, seriously, it looks like it would be amazing.
That's on the GAMECUBE, by the way.
I remember seeing that and completely agree, still looks fantastic.
Too much Silent Hill... I loved Silent Hill 1/2/3/4, nothing to say, but it's not Resident Evil...
Where are the Resident Evil games CRAPCOM used to make back in the days... ?
Not that RE4 would be a bad game by any means... but it's just another genre...
Just take a look at RE Remake/Zero those were amazing games. Beats out the crap out of any beta of RE4 by far...
I'd rather play one billion RE 0/1/2/3/CV Remakes than RE 4/5/6/etc...