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general critique and feedback

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snarf78 polycounter lvl 8
Hi guys,

I would appreciate some feedback in whatever form if it be paint overs, honest critiques or just likes and dislikes. Here is a link my website and showreel www.stephendalzell.com don't hold back I need to know how to improve.


  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I think it looks really good! Though i would say take away the "Art dump" part. The quality of that work is so much lower then your other stuff.

    People here always say that you will remember a portfolio by the worst work, and i'm with them :)
  • Tenchi
    The Back to the Future work is great! As for the site, the layout isn't the best. The about me bit seems random at the bottom; it should have its own page. The art dump has the biggest thumbnail, they might look better all a uniform size?
  • snarf78
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    snarf78 polycounter lvl 8
    sltrOlsson wrote: »
    I think it looks really good! Though i would say take away the "Art dump" part. The quality of that work is so much lower then your other stuff.

    People here always say that you will remember a portfolio by the worst work, and i'm with them :)

    Thanks sltrOlsson I have a rethink about if I should keep the artdump section
  • snarf78
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    snarf78 polycounter lvl 8
    Tenchi wrote: »
    The Back to the Future work is great! As for the site, the layout isn't the best. The about me bit seems random at the bottom; it should have its own page. The art dump has the biggest thumbnail, they might look better all a uniform size?

    This is what I need to hear honest criticism keep it coming I clearly need to sort out the artdump section, I have never really liked the main layout thanks Tenchi.
  • AnimeAngel
    Great work overall. Think you could get rid of the art dump and 2d work all together. With your 3 projects and the props section, you have plenty of really nice work to show, no need to put in the inferior work as it just drags the whole thing down. Also agree that all the front image/buttons should be uniform in size.
  • snarf78
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    snarf78 polycounter lvl 8
    AnimeAngel wrote: »
    Great work overall. Think you could get rid of the art dump and 2d work all together. With your 3 projects and the props section, you have plenty of really nice work to show, no need to put in the inferior work as it just drags the whole thing down. Also agree that all the front image/buttons should be uniform in size.

    I have dumped the artdump but I'm not one hundred percent sure that I want to get rid of the 2d work as I feel it's good to show that at least I can draw if I need to does anyone else agree with AnimeAngle?
  • barri allen
    Your work looks a good one to me. Only, I think that you should try to get rid of that "Unreal flavour" that lingers on your images. Even if you had not stated it, everyone just a little in the field would be able to guess you used UDK. No surprise, and this is not good (the broken floor is a good example, I deem).
    Your 2D pieces are good as exam finals, but are standard stuff, not suited for a portfolio.
  • binopittan
    I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by putting lowpoly untextured asset on your portfolio ( trebuchet etc ) . I'd say it's better get rid of them.. or get it done before posting it.
  • snarf78
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    snarf78 polycounter lvl 8
    Your work looks a good one to me. Only, I think that you should try to get rid of that "Unreal flavour" that lingers on your images. Even if you had not stated it, everyone just a little in the field would be able to guess you used UDK. No surprise, and this is not good (the broken floor is a good example, I deem).
    Your 2D pieces are good as exam finals, but are standard stuff, not suited for a portfolio.

    Hi barri allen I'm not really sure what you are trying to say, how would you suggest showing the scenes. When you mention the broken floor do you mean the night time or day version, as the night time one has a rim light effect added in the shader that needs adjustment. As for the 2D I might get rid if it's not to peoples liking but reintroduce once I have done some better work.
  • snarf78
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    snarf78 polycounter lvl 8
    binopittan wrote: »
    I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by putting lowpoly untextured asset on your portfolio ( trebuchet etc ) . I'd say it's better get rid of them.. or get it done before posting it.

    The majority of those untextured assets were used in a racing game in a uni assignment, it was done as a group project I modelled them other team members textured them. I didn't want to show other peoples textures off, I might do as you suggest and just get rid.
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