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[Portfolio] David Andrade - Animator

polycounter lvl 8


  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    Overall really good stuff. If I had to nitpick it would be that there were a few times when I thought you could have held some poses longer, particularly in the cartoony stuff. Scenes with the old man when he gets hit with the ball, the pizza boy as he's changing directions, and the guy in the elevator after bouncing off the wall are some examples that come to mind. I think there are great poses in there, but they all flow into each other in a way that makes it harder to appreciate.

    It would be cool to see these with motion blur too, but I suppose the idea is to get the animation looking great without such effects. Some animation cycles would be nice too if you have any intention to work in games. :) Maybe the only thing you're missing is some lip synch?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Hey man, nice stuff!

    I think my biggest crit is that you need to get more weight into some of your animations. The dinosaur walk in particular stands out; my first thought while watching it was that he looks light as a feather. When those legs take the weight, they really need to show it. The movement is good and smooth, but you need to stress more action in the legs. Try to mix up the spacing a bit. Try playing with the height of the up/down positions. Try shifting his dino hips/pelvis more extremely.

    The flying dino is overall a very nice anim, but the part where he lands after his flight really stood out to me--his body looks stiff, as if he just turned into a plastic toy (at 00:23 approx. on the timeline). I think what you could use here to fix it is more delay on certain parts of the body (ie the arms, neck). There seems to be a bit there already, but I think more needs to still be held back to make it look more natural.

    These are my main crits. Like I said, overall, quite nice! I saw a few other areas where you needed more weight in the movement, so just always, always be thinking about where the weight is while you're animating. (Something I struggle with as well!)

    Also, agreed with haikai: if you're looking to break into games, more cycles and combat anims would be great.
  • acarr
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    acarr polycounter lvl 6
    I really liked the Dragon's animations. There is also like 14 seconds of blackness at the end.
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