Is this ever going to end? It is starting to worry me that this would somehow effect the industry for years. Is this hacking trend going to effect this industry?
I think it will help push people out of the market. Just another reason not to trust a company with your private info. I think it will mostly effect parents who might of been reluctant in the past but sign up anyway just to shut up Jr. Now they have a convenient excuse.
As if the aging console hardware and down economy weren't bad enough you have bad PR like this...
To be assholes, to make money and to avenge themselves. Supposedly Sony went after a few hackers and supposedly did some unscrupulous things to said hackers. Long story short, don't start a fight you can't win, ESPECIALLY when the hacker knows what kind of porn you like...
its not just games getting hacked though. Apparently the IMF (International Monetary fund) got hacked recently and apparently they took all the money for Greece and Ireland. (says one report)
That has some serious global repercussions if they can't get it back, since those countries were already on the verge of bankruptcy.
Although at this time the IMF is not confirming exactly what was taken, but either most of the countries around the world are members, which boggles the mind when you think about what the damage could be.
You know, I'm not really into conspiracy theories and things of that nature.
But this all seems like a very convenient reason for (potential) laws in the future that limit a variety of digital freedoms. You know, potentially forcing people to use only certain services or go through certain channels that are deemed "secure". And by secure, I mean heavily monitored and under intense control.
Not trying to start anything, just something that's been nagging at me lately with all this talk of various victims of hacking.
This has been happening and warned against for a while, it's not an issue of if your personal info will be stolen, it's when. Hopefully this spells the end of "security through obscurity". But it probably won't, I'm sure there are still stores that transmit your credit card swipes over unsecured wifi and other lazy methods.
and that's one of the reasons why some hackers hack - to expose lax security and flaws in the system.
I think it's a good idea to understand exactly what got hacked and why.
Hasn't it mostly just been forums being hacked and its encrypted information getting compromised?
I would suspect that forums are the least secured places of a company, not to mention that forums will use third party software that might not be up to date and might have security holes.
Hacking attempts are not something new, there's always a constant pressure of hacking attempts going all at all times, it's just that most places are secure enough, or most places have nothing that can be hacked.
I don't understand what people get out of hacking... It does nothing but upset people.
For the sport.
I think it's sad that people only seem to get mad at the hackers and not companies storing customers personal information with shitty security systems. Incompetence and laziness is okay I guess.
I think it's sad that people only seem to get mad at the hackers and not companies storing customers personal information with shitty security systems. Incompetence and laziness is okay I guess.
The irony is if it is the same people who lapse with their own computer security and become a part of the zombie computer networks that ddos websites and spread spam mails.
There's a reason this is happening so much. The government wants to be able to snoop in everybody's network. These Lulsec people are just using the backdoor the government had added. You just need to find that hidden backdoor and you're in. Nobody is secure because of this. The security is an illusion, just like the TSA.
There's a reason this is happening so much. The government wants to be able to snoop in everybody's network. These Lulsec people are just using the backdoor the government had added. You just need to find that hidden backdoor and you're in. Nobody is secure because of this. The security is an illusion, just like the TSA.
don't don the tinfoil hat yet - they are just exploiting lax security. Wasn't one of the recent an SQL Injection? My C# for Dummies book talks about how to prevent on the first page of the security chapter.
Allah forbid. They'll have all our whiny blogs and portfolios in a torrent and access to the stuffs. Like the Penis Vault and Hazardous's super-secret ass algorithms. Important stuffs.
All those hacks and buffers could have been prevented with actual security. There is large difference between setting up a firewall with correct protocols and an anti-virus Norton security.
Well its mostly going to keep happening until the games industry understands it is a soft target and gets real about data security and what it does to make money online.
But all in all its going to be the shitty end of the stick for gamers until we all have wow style authenticators for everything built into your ,pc,console,toilet,toaster etc
But all in all its going to be the shitty end of the stick for gamers until we all have wow style authenticators for everything built into your ,pc,console,toilet,toaster etc
Authenticators were made to solve the human factor, namely people who in one way or another get their account information compromised on their own, mainly through an insecure computer and visiting too many porn sites. Or giving it out to their friends.
I wait for the day when microsoft or xbox live is hacked. That should never happen since Microsoft does alot of the military cyber defense systems apparently says associated press.
Doesn't mean they use the same level of security for their own networks.
They're likely as vulnerable as any other network.
Lulzsec recently hacked into the U.S. Senate website too.
even such a small company, have very big reliance on internet network. no wonder game company became a target.
exposing security weakness? oh breaking shop window glass is way easier. yet sane ppl don't do that.
or maybe they are Geth?
as Legion said : "window is structural weaknesses geth do not use use that ..."
clearly morons if they keep it up the feebs will crawl right up their A####s.
the only reason the have not already is coz nobodies paying attention and nobodies done anything with the data either.
if those change, god help em coz the government will mitnick them so fast they'll be like "what happened?"
clearly morons if they keep it up the feebs will crawl right up their A####s.
the only reason the have not already is coz nobodies paying attention and nobodies done anything with the data either.
if those change, god help em coz the government will mitnick them so fast they'll be like "what happened?"
Except for the fact that there are methods to operate online while being 100% untraceable.
No matter how many bots you gather, no matter how much people you lie to, no matter how much pre-made tools you use, you will _NEVER_ represent the real hacking scene, we warned you, we told you we do not make empty threats, we gave u 48hrs to secure your ircs yet u failed to do so, instead u posted hashes from public forums and then claimed you doxed us and laughed at the fact that i was 17years old. stop telling yourself that u are hackers, putting a ip into a irc is NOT hacking nor is using pre-made tools and scripts to grab databases… you do not represent the anti-sec movement, u are not allowed to greet underground groups like zf0, ab, h0n0, el8 like your member “AnonSabu” was doing, you will never be apart of the underground scene, if anyone thinks you are underground and can actually hack they have no idea about what happens in the underground scene. oh and TeaMp0isoN Issue 2 is coming out VERY soon exposing lulzsec members (pictures, addresses, passwords, ips, phone numbers etc). . . . not so anonymous anymore are you? lets hope that you can swim because the lulzboat just got titanic’d"
As if the aging console hardware and down economy weren't bad enough you have bad PR like this...
that's the only reason they do it. people will be terrible whenever given the chance.
That has some serious global repercussions if they can't get it back, since those countries were already on the verge of bankruptcy.
Although at this time the IMF is not confirming exactly what was taken, but either most of the countries around the world are members, which boggles the mind when you think about what the damage could be.
But this all seems like a very convenient reason for (potential) laws in the future that limit a variety of digital freedoms. You know, potentially forcing people to use only certain services or go through certain channels that are deemed "secure". And by secure, I mean heavily monitored and under intense control.
Not trying to start anything, just something that's been nagging at me lately with all this talk of various victims of hacking.
and that's one of the reasons why some hackers hack - to expose lax security and flaws in the system.
Hasn't it mostly just been forums being hacked and its encrypted information getting compromised?
I would suspect that forums are the least secured places of a company, not to mention that forums will use third party software that might not be up to date and might have security holes.
Hacking attempts are not something new, there's always a constant pressure of hacking attempts going all at all times, it's just that most places are secure enough, or most places have nothing that can be hacked.
Exploits and security holes are always targeted.
I think it's sad that people only seem to get mad at the hackers and not companies storing customers personal information with shitty security systems. Incompetence and laziness is okay I guess.
Netflix for games.
The irony is if it is the same people who lapse with their own computer security and become a part of the zombie computer networks that ddos websites and spread spam mails.
don't don the tinfoil hat yet - they are just exploiting lax security. Wasn't one of the recent an SQL Injection? My C# for Dummies book talks about how to prevent on the first page of the security chapter.
I never store my card details when purchasing. I hope they don't store them, but I expect sales details and records will be kept somewhere.
Allah forbid. They'll have all our whiny blogs and portfolios in a torrent and access to the stuffs. Like the Penis Vault and Hazardous's super-secret ass algorithms. Important stuffs.
That is until the cloud gaming server gets hacked. At least when PSN went down you could still play single player.
good luck with that with all the social gaming, twitter, facebook, cloud, always-online authentication, whatever integration,2817,2386880,00.asp
- "oh so you hack games!!"
- "yes, I'm a game artist, I create models and textures"
- "oh so you make games! can you get me modern warfare 3!"
But all in all its going to be the shitty end of the stick for gamers until we all have wow style authenticators for everything built into your ,pc,console,toilet,toaster etc
Authenticators were made to solve the human factor, namely people who in one way or another get their account information compromised on their own, mainly through an insecure computer and visiting too many porn sites. Or giving it out to their friends.
This was a ddos attack though wasn't it?
Ddos-ing Minecraft is one thing, fucking with Uncle Same is another.
Doesn't mean they use the same level of security for their own networks.
They're likely as vulnerable as any other network.
Lulzsec recently hacked into the U.S. Senate website too.
exposing security weakness? oh breaking shop window glass is way easier. yet sane ppl don't do that.
or maybe they are Geth?
as Legion said : "window is structural weaknesses geth do not use use that ..."
it not necessarily security become significant for them. ( u.s. senate)
the only reason the have not already is coz nobodies paying attention and nobodies done anything with the data either.
if those change, god help em coz the government will mitnick them so fast they'll be like "what happened?"
Except for the fact that there are methods to operate online while being 100% untraceable.
Glad to hear it, make that kid pay. Their twitter is still going though.
No matter how many bots you gather, no matter how much people you lie to, no matter how much pre-made tools you use, you will _NEVER_ represent the real hacking scene, we warned you, we told you we do not make empty threats, we gave u 48hrs to secure your ircs yet u failed to do so, instead u posted hashes from public forums and then claimed you doxed us and laughed at the fact that i was 17years old. stop telling yourself that u are hackers, putting a ip into a irc is NOT hacking nor is using pre-made tools and scripts to grab databases… you do not represent the anti-sec movement, u are not allowed to greet underground groups like zf0, ab, h0n0, el8 like your member “AnonSabu” was doing, you will never be apart of the underground scene, if anyone thinks you are underground and can actually hack they have no idea about what happens in the underground scene. oh and TeaMp0isoN Issue 2 is coming out VERY soon exposing lulzsec members (pictures, addresses, passwords, ips, phone numbers etc). . . . not so anonymous anymore are you? lets hope that you can swim because the lulzboat just got titanic’d"