Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Character-Personal work

polycounter lvl 13
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german01 polycounter lvl 13

Hello everyone, here you can see some pictures of my last character model.
I am open for critiques. Thank you for Viewing.


  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 14
    Great work. Really nice level of detail, nothing much to crit except maybe it took me a few seconds to realize he had hooves for feet. Cant help but feel the hair on his hooves should continue up his legs some more. But thats probably nitpicking/personal preference. Still great execution.
  • jmt
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    iansmithartist, That's exactly what I thought. Especially because the first image doesn't include the feet, and he doesn't have any other indication that he isn't human, the hooves seem out of place on him.

    Something about the proportions of the face bothers me a little bit. I think that it's that he has a long philtrum and short nose not normally seen with people of his complexion. He also has guy-liner and very dark lips. The shape of his eyes doesn't really seem to reflect his angrily furrowed brow.
  • Tenchi
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    Nice work! The hooves did look a little incongruous at first glance, perhaps if you he had some horns it would feel less out of place, still looks good though. I like the rest though, muscle anatomy and textures look good ^^
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