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TF2 Oldschool/Lowpoly Pack Thread.


Alrighty guys, u gotta remember when Spacey, Stjoris, and Indecom were making these WAY back in 2007, since 2008 i have been working on getting all their models in TF2, (and in TFC) with all of their permission, i have made quite a nice "oldschool" version of tf2, thus far we are far from done, all of the base models are set, everything Spacey and Stjoris made (aside from joris's teleporter and his other buildables, for animation purposes) are in game and working quite well. the below has been copied and pasted from the following facepunch thread (there wont be as much drama here so lucky me :D) the below images are for tracking modern progress since the defaults are finished, they are a bit outdated tho.


If any of you guys read this thread all the way through, there are two former team members, sparkwire and zebus, sparkwire caused me much grief behind the scenes and tried to take this project away from me, (it seemed that just because i didnt have time to work he thought he had all the power. i will be completely devoted to this pack by tuesday.) I had finally had enough and kicked him from the pack, he never took it seriously and as a result his work was, unfortunately, wasted.


Hey all, this is an area where we can all track the progress of the skin mod, not much has been done with the project recently, and it seems like all the moders (except for me and hecates gaspar have all dissapeared off the face of the planet, but then again i havent tried to contact them in a while) since it will take FOREVER to post the status of the oldschool pack, and the general changes, i have compiled a checklist from the tf2items checklist (i like that one better, i can actually see the items and their descriptions, unlike tf2b) it only contains the actuall models (and one animation) from the game if i have any information about them then i will discuss below.

(for those of who that are new to the project, it was started back in 2008, towards the middle of that year, its my longest running project for any game, and my first for any source game, before i started i asked tom tallian himself if i could use his models from his site http://tomtallian.com/index.html and get them to actually work in-game, but even before that, i asked if i could get them to work in TFC, just starting out in source, i had a TON of bumps along the way, and eventually becoming an expert in compiling and rigging, here we are today, a ton of other projects later, i have learned to do everything from making models, rigging them, to fine tuning jigglebones and technical work within the qc files.)




OFF LIMITS: villians veil, sight for sore eyes, and western wear
as you can see, we aint got a lot done, well, as far as the new stuff goes, and we got virtually nothing on the hats done, not a problem, if we can get some peoples to donate their models (yes credit will be given where it is due)

Current contributors:

Spacey (aka the one that started the obj files and the created the original player and default weapons AKA Tom Tallian AKA this project would not have been possible if i had not asked his permission.)
Neo Dement
Hecates Gaspar
Revenant 100
Soja (formally The Painkilla)
Loyen (even though the only thing of his that has survived is his sentry, and even then it was heavily modified by spacey, then upgraded to lvl 2 then 3 by me, then finally textured by neo dement)

the "most recent" version is displayed in the video below. As a joke i made beta textures for the player models that will be included as extra skins in the final release. the only real change in this version are the glowing dispensers are taken care of, and the sentrys are actually textured. Now that the replay system is set up, i might make everything in this format, but in better quality.


the OLD videos used to test the weapons and gibs and such



TL: DR this project is still very WIP but if you want to offer any help it will be greatly appreciated, like the harribo kid (though i still havent gotten anything from him yet, he still offered tho :D)
the Gamebanana wip page http://www.gamebanana.com/wips/32441

http://www.mediafire.com/?5dd2r3zzwzj (they are old and outdated, i am paranoid about my sources, so since these are as old as the mod itself, i feel its safe to release them to the public nothing changes on the positioning or head size, the skeletons are just different.)

a list of what is getting done
{Insaneicide :

Scotch bonnet
Sight For Sore Eyes
Dead Cone
Duty Rag
Trophy belt
check BP for any other hats i might model.


Badlands folder
Hybrid Physx folder

general updates.

after this week.}


Western Wear.
more to come after computer is fixed

looking foward to demo, has to check up on me to see if my workload isnt too much as i want to do them aswell.}

{Big Bad Barron:
unknown weather he is staying, we had a falling out over the phong and rim lighting on the models.

Foliage folder}


Hats: hopefully all heavy.}


Hats: Some demo

{if you want to see the chat, just let me know.}

{Get Grenade:

Hats: Solder}


  • leilei
    Offline / Send Message
    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    To complete the oldschool look I hope you're using only vertex shading and no speculars :)

    this could go well together with say, 11025hz 8bit sound effects replacements. there is a real practical use in having a pack like this (sucky CPUs being the big one)
  • crazzzy
    Offline / Send Message
    leilei wrote: »
    To complete the oldschool look I hope you're using only vertex shading and no speculars :)

    this could go well together with say, 11025hz 8bit sound effects replacements. there is a real practical use in having a pack like this (sucky CPUs being the big one)
    that was essentially the original purpose, the original files are still under the folder tf2 performance pack. and because of the style tf2 has, we are using the original lighting, but we might use a special lightwarp for a more pixely look.
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