Over the last few years I have taken many photographs for use in texturing, now I've decided to release them to the public as texture packs. These textures are a little different than most, they aren't straight photos of bricks, grass, rocks etc, they are Texture Elements. The idea is that these elements are to be used as masks, overlays, brushes and layers when texturing an object.
There are 3 packs available, each with 100 textures. The resolution of the textures does vary, but they more than enough for texturing videogame objects.
The three Texture Elements volumes are:
Vol.1 - Paint & Decals
Vol.2 - Rust & Dirt
Vol.3 - Scuffs & Scratches
They are $10 USD each or you can get all 3 in the "complete pack" for $15, get them from payment is through Paypal only. I really hope people find these useful, please let me know what you guys think, about the price, the textures, download speed etc.
Here are some previews of each pack.

Those wanting to see some high-res samples, you can check those out here.
edit: just purchased these, they look fantastic.
Nice to see folks offering usefull stuff and making a few quid.
Adam: Some of the decals in the first pack that are colour are PNGs with transparency. But as most of those are monochromatic they are simply JPG quality 12.
I forgot to mention, there are no restrictions on how you use these textures, you can use them for commercial, personal use etc and no credit needs to be given. Just don't re-sell them or freely distribute them on the internet.
Any suggestions on how to get more eyes on this? I probably should be posting it other places, I'm just always hesitant to pimp my own stuff haha
Give away a handful of them (perhaps 5-10 of the oldest brushes) every month. Nothing grabs people's attention like freebies. I worked in retail for a few years and you wouldn't believe how many people come in just to get the free stuff!
Also because its awesome! Thanks TheSplash
Coincidentally I was extracting similar masks from photos for my textures just recently...
Would be great to have also dents/cracks pack like that for cement/concrete surfaces
I no longer aspire to be a game artist myself, but releasing these has been a catharsis, I really hope people get some use out of them.
@ Matroskin Yeah, I was thinking a cracks pack too, they are a tricky though.. very tricky to find and process into useable textures! But also very useful! I was also thinking graffiti, but I feel that's like stealing others work. haha
Buy yourself something nice with my $15.