Hi guys, been a member a long time but rarely post. I've been working a lot on my portfolio recently as I've been looking for a new gig and would appreciate any comments/crits that will help me present myself as well as possible to potential employers (was in my last position for 10 years so been a long time since I last applied for a job!)
All crits & comments welcome.
nice and diverse stuff going on.
- BoBo
Couple of things i have been thinking is
A, thair`s too much content might drop it to a few good pieces
B, i might remove my early work Gotham 1 - Treasure planet etc keep it more current ?
Mike5424 - Cheers dude cant take credit for the site as it`s carbonmade`s layout
X-Convict - Thanks yea it`s sad that Bizarre went under but i am more than ready for the new challenges ahead for me it hopefuly be a good thing in the long run.
MoreDread - I have heard people getting traces from parts off guy`s who were murders etc so i will send you a bag of nail clippings let me know how you get on
SouthpawSid - Cheers I just need the studio`s to think that too
Tenchi - cheers i really got in to doing small Photoshop tweaked pics for a while do I modelled the zonda to expand on that but after a while of working on it it started to look normal so when i saw a zonda a little while after it looked like a stretched limo version .. very strange
tda - Thanks
kio - Hay dude yea cool base model. It was when i was just getting in to zbrush i wanted a quick thing that wasent a zspear to do a quick sketch sculpt and before i know it it was textured and rendered ! and am trying to be as diverse as i can with my work i hope to be able to get any task an run with it not quite thair yet :P awesome low poly work dude thanks for sharing
BoBo_the_seal - Cheers bud huge fan so very honoured by your comment
Oniram - Cheers for the comments i know what you mean i kind of rushed a few shots - backgrounds for a interview i had ready for the next day so diddent give them need to revisit them.
That`s what this is all about needing to streamline and get my folio to where am happy with it and more impotently the big company`s in the industry will give me a good challenging role
Cheers again every one thanks for looking and commenting so much amazing talent on this forum it can be very daunting to post work
Just like to get people`s opinion on my new site. One of the main bits of feedback I got from a few companies was they couldn't see what my speciality was from my site. I have tried for character, environment props etc as I have experience of all areas and I feel that I am a good wel- rounded artist, at least I try to be!
So I have created a second, smaller site, splitting work into categories with a few examples of each. I hope this will help companies find what they want to see easier.
All feedback very welcome,
Thanks guys!
Smaller site -> http://polyjon2.carbonmade.com/
edit: I like the original site much better then your smaller version. If the issue is people not knowing what you do then add it to your header. "Johnathan Reilly, all-round 3d artist" or something like that.
If I had to come up with a crit about the site its that the font you used on some of the images is hard to read. But honestly I'm not bothered by it.
Nice stuff I look forward to congratulating you in your "I got a job" thread
The minotaur is superb and I absolutely love the characters you did on Blur. Seriously great stuff, I'm sure you won't have any problems finding a new gig.
I managed to get a temp contract with the guys at Sony Liverpool working on WipEout 2048
Great bunch of guys but my contracts due up at the end of the month so can feel the pressure building again to get more work till i can find a job i can call home
Easy to feel totally drained when your working all day then coming home and trying to do all you can at night.
And after a while very easy to Doubt ya skills especially when you seethe amazing talent on here so i really appreciate your comments .
EVIL : Cheers man take all you want took a look at your site some amazing work really wish i could concept as for the -all round 3D Artist- it`s not a bad idea i guess to try to state the obvious but i didn't want to look like a jack of all sorts and a master of none ( not that am a master of any but am sure you know what i mean )
Mark Dygert : Cheers man thanks yea theirs some layout issues i need to sort on some of them text background etc but hard to find the time to revisit the shot but that's just lazy and sloppy i need to step up my game i really hope to be posting the "i got a job thread myself too " \m/ \m/
Maph : Cheers man been been a fan of yours for a while especially for your ZB Autosave "Phew" i really liked our blur stuff it was for a array of cut scenes the whole team did a great job but alas it was one of them decisions to cut them from the game bitter pill but i did agree why ... (after a little sulk :P )
Chrisradsby : hay a fellow 2048-er whoot great stuff Cheers for comments man
megalmn2000 : Cheers great stuff on your site too
IchII3D : Cheers dude yup aplied last week when i saw the post fingers crossed
Thanks guys ill be taking a gander at a little polish on my site tonight as the little one was a lunch time rush for yet another application if anyone spots something nasty and can figure the goose to lay me the golden job i would appreciate all your comments good and bad