Hey to all,
I have been having abit of a conundrum to which I would like answers. Pretty please help.
My question is, for baking normals, and even polygons generally, it is better to Bevel for everything or if there a time and place and limit for such things?
Example: I'm making a massive inset/hole for a model of mine, I'll naturally extrude this hole if it's a polygon.
However, since it's doesn't translate well for Normal Maps, Cavity and AO, I instead Bevel it right? The problem is, I also started to Bevel my holes which are polygons, because not matter what, the silhouette and edge cuts are much nicer to look at and translate better.
I was wondering if bevel, even a tiny amount, is prefered over extrude.
Please note I'm talking for limitation of gaming, I know in movies we can bevel the edge for much better translations, but I was wondering if my current 'attitude' to extrudes and bevels is fine and works alright.
Because it's gonna so damn boring to have a model that contains only beveled.. everything.
What, like real life? Everything has some form of a rounded edge, if it doesn't its gonna cut you.
Ace, Presuming your talking about highpoly models for baking. My approach to this is:
If its big enough to bake into a map and you have the time, then bevel it.