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Levels to be streamed in incorrectly appearing in level select.

I have a level made up of multiple parts and I use level streaming to load them as needed. When I package my level into an installer and then install my level, the levels to be streamed appear in the map selection as well.

Since selecting one of these maps causes the game to crash, I need only the master level to appear in the map select. Is there maybe another folder to put the levels to be streamed into? Currently I have them all in content>maps.

Thanks in advance.


  • Vailias
    Offline / Send Message
    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    its likely a prefix issue and or gametype.
    IIRC the gametype definition looks for maps with a certain prefix and lists those.
    So what you might want to do is make sure only the master level has the right prefix, and all other maps have none, or some other prefix not used by the main.
  • Mcbiskit
    None of my maps have prefixes.

    I've made some progress, but I'm still not getting the results I need. First I added...

    [Silo19 UTUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
    FriendlyName= Silo 19


    [pixieDuster_PersistantAdd UTUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
    FriendlyName= Pixie Duster

    ...to udkgame.ini which did nothing. Next, with the above entries still in the udkgame.ini, I created a Silo19.ini and a pixieduster.ini. The result was that I did get correctly named entries in my level select, but it placed these entries at slot 3 and 4, with the two incorrectly named levels appearing above them. The levels that are streamed through pixieDuster_PersistantAdd appeared below those.

    What's weird is it seems to be a combination of both ini's that are giving me the correct entries as changing either of them stops them from appearing correctly.

    So, I have my levels correctly named in the menu, but I need a way to hide all the other levels, keeping them from being selected.
  • Vailias
    Offline / Send Message
    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    OK right.

    My point is that the default UDK build is based on UT3, and the way things work in that build is maps are parsed and sorted via gametypes and map prefixes.
    So anything with no prefix or DM- gets shown in the default Deathmatch gametype selection, while things with CTF- or VCTF- etc don't.

    So you can A: make a new gametype where you prefix your persistent level with something like P-<levelnamehere> or B: leave your persistent level with no prefix, then add a prefix to all other levels that isn't DM-. Use S- or something and they won't show in any gametype selection available by default. (I just tested this by adding TEST- in front of FoliageMap.udk and it was no longer showing in any gametype selection available)
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