Hey I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible or if there is a way to get a Maya Shaded view (like texture mode, flat grey mode) to just not have the wireframe show on a selected item? Or possibly a toggle to turn that off?
When placing objects around such as grass or small rocks having the wireframe on when placing those items under just texture mode is a little annoying. You really have to click off that item to see what it will accurately look like.
Anyway, thought I would ask in case someone knew some super secrete toggle method for this.
Turn Wireframe on Shaded to None. you can also just turn it down to dotted so its less distracting.
[URL="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2323296/RandomStuff/menu_Viewport_Options.zip]Custom Marking Menu[/URL] with wireframe toggles.
Maya->2xxx->Marking Menus (place)
You can edit the hotkey for this in the hotkey editor under UserMarkingMenu's
I set it up for alt+Q+rmb
to change the mousekey just edit the script itself in the hotkey editor,
button 1 lmb 2 mmb 3 rmb
Really useful when working on sub-division stuff, it's impossible to judge how nice a surface looks when the wireframe is over it, and annoying to have to deselect the objects all the time otherwise.
string $wires = `displayPref -q -wsa`;
if ($wires == "none")
displayPref -wsa "full";
displayPref -wsa "none";