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Mudbox user has Zbrush questions

polycounter lvl 18
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Empty polycounter lvl 18
Not a "VS" thread.

Hey Guys,

Sorry for all the text ;)

I am giving Zbrush another try. I started out using Zbrush but then switched to Mudbox early on. I have been using mudbox ever since for personal projects and professional work. I do try to come back to Zbrush every now and then to see what has changed.

I've been googling all this morning trying to get Zbrush into shape. These threads have been really helpful but I still have a few questions.

Mr Kites UI

Zbrush a little more Mudboxish

I've read through other forums about changing zbrush's camera controls/navigation, but it seems like that is impossible. I thought I'd ask here anyways if anyone had an idea.

I used to have a z script that would let me change Z intensity with ; and '. Instead of using "U" and the slider pop up. Simular to how photoshop and mudbox work.

Also I had a zscript that would allow me to change the increments that the brush size and z intensity are increased/decreased by. So instead of increasing by 4's it increases by 1's.

When completely zoomed in on an object, with no visible open space is there a way to rotate without zooming out?

I really enjoy how fast and simple mudbox is. The software dosen't try to get in my way and I can focus on sculpting like I would using traditionally medium. I hope I can get the same out of Zbrush and that most of my friction with the program is just a result of being unfamiliar with it.

Other than that does anyone have any other tips or hints that might be useful in the transition from mudbox to zbrush?



  • Empty
    Offline / Send Message
    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    I found a way to make the camera controls work like Mudbox.


    So far its working fantastically and I feel like I'm home again.
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    Not sure about the first two as I've never ventured down that road, but for #3 you can use right-click navigation. Unlike left-click, it works even when clicking on the meshes.

    Edit: As for general transition tips, it's easy enough to customize the basic layout to your needs. You'll probably want to get rid of the 2d-related buttons, maybe bring out some commonly used brushes / strokes.
  • Empty
    Offline / Send Message
    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Cryid. I feel like I'm starting to get comfortable with my Zbrush UI. I just need to sort out this Z intensity problem and I think I am good to go.

    I found the Zscript that lets me change brush size by increments of 1


    I found a zscript that sounds like it will do what I am looking for. I haven't been able to get it to load without some sort of error.
    // Here you will find 20 Useful Shortcuts!
    // NOTE!! There are more helpful ideas in post #4 of this thread.
    // Here we have new shortcuts for +&- of four sliders, Focal Point,
    // Draw Size, ZINtensity and RGB. The keyboard number supplies
    // most of your sculpting brushes.
    // The sliders are all within the left hands reach.
    // To install this script download the attached TXT File and place it in the
    // following folder:
    // Pixologic\ZBrush2\ZScripts\
    // Then load it any time you want from the ZScript pallet. Zbrush will
    // automatically generate a ZScrpt .ZSC file in the same folder leaving
    // the .TXT file for future referance.
    // Alternatively if you want this to load everytime you run ZBrush you can
    // place this text file in the following folder; NOTE you may need to create
    // the ZPlugs subfolder yourself first:
    // Pixologic\ZBrush2\ZStartup\ZPluges\
    // Zbrush will automatically generate a ZScrpt .ZSC file in the same folder
    // leaving the .TXT file for future referance.
    // Then after running this script from the ZScript pallet the first time; it will
    // be available every time you run ZBrush without the need to execute it
    // manually. You can confirm it is running by trying the short-cuts and or
    // viewing the new "Sliders" SubMenu in the ZPlugs pallet.
    // These are handy if you want to drag and drop the buttons
    // around the interface, but simply using the shortcust on the keyboard is
    // the more efficient route most of the time.
    // If you haddn't already made a Startup\ZPlugs directory, now would be a
    // good time to create it.
    // I hope you enjoy this ZScript and find it quite useful.
    // Feel free to use all or some of this code in your own ZScripting adventures.
    // As is standard practice, understand that your use of this ZScript
    // is at your own risk and I take no responcibilty for it and or this scripts
    // use by you or others.
    // The chart below details the key assignments. Have fun!
    // A big thank you goes out to EZ for giving me a couple pointers,
    // and for provideing so many useful ZScripts. Also Thanks to this friendly
    // supportive community of inspiring artist. And lastly I say thank you to the
    // people of Pixologic for making such a dynomite application.
    // Stephen Casey
    // Std Key 8
    // Std-Dot Key 9
    // Inflate Key 5
    // Inflate-Dot Key 6
    // Morh Key 2
    // Morph-Dot Key 3
    // Layer Key o
    // Smooth Key p
    // Pinch Key 4
    // Nudge Key 1
    // + Key b
    // - Key n
    // Focal Up Key K
    // Focal Down Alt+K
    // Draw Up J
    // Draw Down Alt+J
    // ZIntensity Up L
    // ZIntensity Down Alt+L
    // RGB Up U
    // RGB Down Alt+U


    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:Focal Shift UP","Increases Focal Shift by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: Focal Shift,[IGet,Draw: Focal Shift]+1]
    ,,, 'k']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:Focal Shift DOWN","Decreases Focal Shift by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: Focal Shift,[IGet,Draw: Focal Shift]-1]
    ,,, Alt+'k']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:Draw Size Up","Increases Draw Size by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: Draw Size,[IGet,Draw: Draw Size]+1]
    ,,, 'j']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:Draw Size Down","Decreases Draw Size by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: Draw Size,[IGet,Draw: Draw Size]-1]
    ,,, Alt+'j']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:Z Intensity Up","Increases Intensity by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: Z Intensity,[IGet,Draw: Z Intensity]+1]
    ,,, 'l']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:Z Intensity Down","Decreases Intensity by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: Z Intensity,[IGet,Draw: Z Intensity]-1]
    ,,, Alt+'l']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:RGB Intensity Up","Increases Intensity by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: RGB Intensity,[IGet,Draw: RGB Intensity]+1]
    ,,, 'u']

    [IButton,"Zplugin:Sliders:RGB Intensity Down","Decreases Intensity by 1 units",
    [ISet,Zscript:Show Actions,0]
    [ISet,Draw: RGB Intensity,[IGet,Draw: RGB Intensity]-1]
    ,,, Alt+'u']

    [Isethotkey, 1072, '8']
    [Isethotkey, 1073, '9']
    [Isethotkey, 1074, '5']
    [Isethotkey, 1075, '6']
    [Isethotkey, 1080, '2']
    [Isethotkey, 1081, '3']
    [Isethotkey, 1076, 'o']
    [Isethotkey, 1077, 'p']
    [Isethotkey, 1078, '4']
    [Isethotkey, 1079, '1']
    [Isethotkey, 4359, 'b']
    [Isethotkey, 4360, 'n']
    [Isethotkey, 4361, ',']

    // NOTE!! There are more helpful ideas in post #4 of this thread.
    // End of file.
  • ghib
    Empty wrote: »
    I found a way to make the camera controls work like Mudbox.


    So far its working fantastically and I feel like I'm home again.

    I bought 2 Zswitcher licenses and it's great. Pretty much all the apps I use now use the same navigation system. So no more fumbling about when switching.

    You can also reassign keys for brush size/strength and they work similarly to Mudbox; hold down toggle and left click to alter.

    The only thing I have a problem with is when using the Transpose tools. If you Alt + MMB over the model you can actually move it into a different position. It's VERY easy to do accidentally and if you have multiple subtols they'll get misaligned without you noticing until it's to0 late.

    I just noticed it while working on a recent model but I'll file a bug/request report over at dRaster.
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