Hello there! I am a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I am currently a sophomore in the Game Art and Design program, and I thought it would be cool to put stuff up on the internet for critique or feedback.
Thanks for looking!
This is one character, and it's really the first one I did... It's pretty terrible.
The face is just jacked up. I'll remember that on the next project. The anatomy is wayyyy off on the face.
Any ideas for improvement are appreciated... I think I should just practice, and a lot more. Thanks for checking it out!
Hey man, for being your first character it's not bad at all. If you're still new to studying anatomy and form then it's expected that this stuff (which is so heavily reliant on those principles) will come out less than desirable. There are some points I can address though.
-First off, the hands and wrists are very peculiar. It's funny that given the hand study you did before that these hands go so jacked up haha.
-The head needs a lot of work, but you already know that. If it helps you, do some sculpts in zbrush while looking at reference and try and get those key shapes and forms down first. Study the understructures, bone and muscle. Her neck is too wide and her jaw is too small with a few other issues with spinal position, head shape and ear placement. Consider this a wonderful failure and learn from it.
Hey, another AiP kid! I graduated Game Art / Design back in Dec of 06. Did you get to work with Styers, Washington, and Comely? Is Mrs. Love still there?
Sorry, just wondering, haha.
Nice work, btw. I like what I'm seeing.
As far as the face of your last character, the only thing that springs to mind at 530am is the face sticks out too far. Grab the polys of the face, turn on soft selection, adjust the falloff, and move it back. That should smooth things out a bit.
@Suburbbum: Thanks, I'll definitely try to do some studies of the head over break, both on paper and in ZBrush. I think the hand's terrible, and I definitely should have put more polygons in it, and like the arm too. I think I had a lot of trouble with the head and the face... So I'll try to improve on that. Thank you very much for the feedback. Haha, a wonderful failure. But I did learn a lot. Thanks again.
@BurningIce: Yep, I have classes with Mr. Styers, Mr. Washington, but I don't know anyone named Comely. Maybe I just haven't met them yet. Mrs. Love is still here, and I'm about done with her storyboard final, so I'll try to post that up here when it's done, hopefully soon.
Thank you very much for looking! I could try with moving those vertices back, as well as vertices in the neck and stuff to just try to fix the proportions. What's sad is I already did that a couple times while making it... And it still looks jacked. Thanks for the feedback and I'll make sure the next one is even better!
Ruth Comely (spelling?) was my animation teacher, and she actually got me into doing choreographed stage combat for the schools production of Macbeth. Great fun, and I still do it, albeit with lightsabers instead of rapiers, haha.
@BurningIce: I've never met her, so I guess she's not here anymore. But I haven't met too many animation teachers. Sounds like an interesting project, though! I didn't know the school did stuff like that.
Here's some stuff I've been working on!
Since my character's face looks like crap, I've been doing faces and noses and stuff. And Shrek's there too because I was watching the movie and decided to doodle it up while it played. The cyber angle thing I would like to make a 3D model and hopefully I can make some bodies for those heads as well. The poly flow on the base mesh for the female head is messed up, and any ideas, comments, tutorials or images of better ways to work it out would be appreciated.
Looking at it now, Shrek looks very mopey, haha.
Thanks for looking and any feedback is appreciated!
Cheer man, can't wait to see that anatomy sculpt when it's finished. Observe them naked dudes (read: references) when working on the model again, it's gonna turn out great!
@Eoq: I'm sorry, I didn't actually finish the character sculpt... I just used it as a base for another character.
But anyways, I looked up a bunch of those "references" *wink* and I just tried my best going off those. Thanks for looking!
Marmoset was for the renders, then a wireframe... It was about 10,000 tris with 2048 textures, I've never done anything that big before. I need to fix some of the anatomy and... Add needs more "epic", that'd help
I really dig the bash monochromatic pic it'd make cool cover art and your latest character is looking good. With artemis' concept watch out for that elongated torso and some other anatomical trouble spots and on your sculpt watch out for making the sides of her head squished. Either tighten the hair around the pony tail or lower it if you want the volume I'd say. Keep it up dillan, stuffs looking good.
Haha, thanks Matt! I'm playing around with shrinking the torso and I'm mostly redoing the head. Thanks for the advice!
Aside from that, here's a basic little mesh I worked on over the past couple of days. It's at 6000-ish tris and I know the polyflow is pretty wonky, so I would love any advice or tips on how to get the face, and making it flow from the torso the arms and legs.
I forgot to check back here! Sorry about that. That's true Tim, I tried but it still didn't come out as I had hoped. I think I'll be doing some head sculpts over the break... Thanks!
But here's what I was doing in spare time. I wasn't slacking, I swear!
And I tried some tiling textures with some lights...
Hey Dil, I really don't know if you played it but this latest character reminds me of Rau's little sister in Rise of Kasai. The game was awesome and underrated. Thought I'd let you know. That and some of the normal's are just a tad muddy. Looking good though
Oh, shoot. Ripped it off and didn't even know about it. Sorry!
Thanks a bundle, Matt. I tried beefing up the normals, but they're still not as good as I want them to be. I need to get more out of the high poly sculpt...
Anywho, character is done (or at least, calling it done,)
For the most part, pieces felt like they fit and I learned a crazy amount of how to use dynamesh and how anatomy works overall, but I still don't quite "get it" like I want to.
cools, but revisit the skeleton , some proportions are a lil off.
and revisit the bone structure and joints, with more care and study try locate the condyles and emphasize the Type of joint it is (never sculpt a bone without proper reference). This plays a huge part in laying the muscles down for their insertion/origin points.
otherwise a good start to anatomy, dont forget to learn the vocab too ;]
@SSquir33: Thanks! I've got a lot of useful feedback on this one, and I look forward to making a new one in the future to correct some of those mistakes.
Also, puppet time!
This is my first time making a stylized character. Feedback is appreciated, I haven't done much of this before!
Wow man looking great definitely improvement from page 1 keep studying that anatomy. I think your modular pieces came out great that bench it pretty cool.
The face is just jacked up. I'll remember that on the next project. The anatomy is wayyyy off on the face.
Any ideas for improvement are appreciated... I think I should just practice, and a lot more. Thanks for checking it out!
And a turnaround here:
Thanks for looking and any comments!
-First off, the hands and wrists are very peculiar. It's funny that given the hand study you did before that these hands go so jacked up haha.
-The head needs a lot of work, but you already know that. If it helps you, do some sculpts in zbrush while looking at reference and try and get those key shapes and forms down first. Study the understructures, bone and muscle. Her neck is too wide and her jaw is too small with a few other issues with spinal position, head shape and ear placement. Consider this a wonderful failure and learn from it.
Sorry, just wondering, haha.
Nice work, btw. I like what I'm seeing.
As far as the face of your last character, the only thing that springs to mind at 530am is the face sticks out too far. Grab the polys of the face, turn on soft selection, adjust the falloff, and move it back. That should smooth things out a bit.
@BurningIce: Yep, I have classes with Mr. Styers, Mr. Washington, but I don't know anyone named Comely. Maybe I just haven't met them yet. Mrs. Love is still here, and I'm about done with her storyboard final, so I'll try to post that up here when it's done, hopefully soon.
Thank you very much for looking! I could try with moving those vertices back, as well as vertices in the neck and stuff to just try to fix the proportions. What's sad is I already did that a couple times while making it... And it still looks jacked. Thanks for the feedback and I'll make sure the next one is even better!
Thanks for viewing and feedback is appreciated.
@BurningIce: I've never met her, so I guess she's not here anymore. But I haven't met too many animation teachers. Sounds like an interesting project, though! I didn't know the school did stuff like that.
Since my character's face looks like crap, I've been doing faces and noses and stuff. And Shrek's there too because I was watching the movie and decided to doodle it up while it played. The cyber angle thing I would like to make a 3D model and hopefully I can make some bodies for those heads as well. The poly flow on the base mesh for the female head is messed up, and any ideas, comments, tutorials or images of better ways to work it out would be appreciated.
Looking at it now, Shrek looks very mopey, haha.
Thanks for looking and any feedback is appreciated!
I think I should just post finished stuff from here on... So no more WIPs. Sorry for the ones earlier.
Thanks for looking!
One and a half hour speed paint...
But anyways, I looked up a bunch of those "references" *wink* and I just tried my best going off those. Thanks for looking!
Marmoset was for the renders, then a wireframe... It was about 10,000 tris with 2048 textures, I've never done anything that big before. I need to fix some of the anatomy and... Add needs more "epic", that'd help
Four hours and playing with color!
Silhouettes are becoming even more and more enjoyable.
I wanted to try to put my own twist on Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. So I went on to make it in 3D...
Character modeling is fun too, and I want to get better at it. I need to fix that face. It's bad.
Thank you for stopping by! Comments, critique, and advice is always welcome.
Aside from that, here's a basic little mesh I worked on over the past couple of days. It's at 6000-ish tris and I know the polyflow is pretty wonky, so I would love any advice or tips on how to get the face, and making it flow from the torso the arms and legs.
But here's what I was doing in spare time. I wasn't slacking, I swear!
And I tried some tiling textures with some lights...
Thanks for checking it out! Any advice is always appreciated.
I really need to get rid of those seams.
Thanks a bundle, Matt. I tried beefing up the normals, but they're still not as good as I want them to be. I need to get more out of the high poly sculpt...
Anywho, character is done (or at least, calling it done,)
And turnaround is rendered here...
Hopefully, get some more stuff done. Thanks for checking it out!
For the most part, pieces felt like they fit and I learned a crazy amount of how to use dynamesh and how anatomy works overall, but I still don't quite "get it" like I want to.
Advice is appreciated! And very much wanted!
and revisit the bone structure and joints, with more care and study try locate the condyles and emphasize the Type of joint it is (never sculpt a bone without proper reference). This plays a huge part in laying the muscles down for their insertion/origin points.
otherwise a good start to anatomy, dont forget to learn the vocab too ;]
Also, puppet time!
This is my first time making a stylized character. Feedback is appreciated, I haven't done much of this before!
From a show, X'amd. I thought the creature looked cool, so I doodled it up.
Also, the model here, on p3d.in!
Into a 3D Illustration, which I've never done before. This should be fun! Current block out:
And model here on p3d.in!
Still super WIP.