Howdy, i just made a stool in 3ds max and it looked fine,fully mapped and correctly rendered:

rocknrollcowboy at 2011-06-07
but in UDK it has a weird dark color as if a shadow problem or something:

rocknrollcowboy at 2011-06-07
any ideas on what's causing this?any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You guessed correctly about smoothing groups, I went crazy with a similar problem once.
also,can you direct me to somewhere i can find a tutorial on making a good mirror?i modeled one in max,mapped it, and now in photoshop the only thing left is the polygon that will be the reflective surface and i dont know what to do to prepare it for udk.
EDIT: lighting takes a little over 26 minutes to build,is this normal for a smaller map with a small number of objects in the scene?