Hey guys,
Just a quick note to say that we now know who the winners of the Brawl contest are and should begin to be announced this week.
However! (Oooh!) Due to the process towards the end of having a Top 5 for Fighters and a Top 5 for Stages, we won't be announcing them in a faux tournament tree style like originally planned. Not a big deal, as really its just a design change in how we announce the winners and had zero effect on how they were chosen and decided upon.
So, just a heads up. They're coming soon!
That said, both character and stage's had ties within their rankings that we had to refer to # of votes received as a tie breaker.
I didn't get it. What's the problem to show everyone the number of public votes? I have curiosity to see if some good soul has voted to me.In fact, I think the public votes should had shown just right after the poll was closed...
I think there's possible drama if the 3rd place person got double the votes of the next closest competitor. I wouldn't mind if everyone but the top 5's votes were shown, but I also feel bad for the contestants that only got 1 or 2 votes, and we have no idea how spread out the votes were.
Anyway good news, was starting to really wonder what kept the results.
I don't think showing how many votes everyone got is a good idea. Some people don't have a lot of confidence and knowing you came last would not help in the slightest. Just my 2 cents.
too soon?
I'd love to see the votes for fun anyways
Guess make a poll vote to show or not?
Either way good to hear results are coming soon.
But if it's OK for most people here, it's ok to me too.
My predictions...
4th. Paroxum
3rd. Snefer/pixelgoat
2nd. JordanW
1st. EzMeow
Akperly, Jfletcher, Hazourdous, Bogdan. That's my top 4, not sure which order though
My thoughts exactly, although I can totally see Massbot ending up 4th.
Ditto on this. I want Jfletchy to win and then his big doofy mario can chestbump your luigi.
haha, reading my writeup again it seems really harsh
Something I noticed with a lot of the entries though, it's not only yours, is how the original one is usually really fun and colorful, but once it gets next-gen-ified a lot of the fun gets lost.
I would be curious to see all votes though, I don't believe hiding the results would be harmful to those with less votes. I mean come on, most of us have had this feeling we failed then jumped back with some better art because we understood our past mistakes. We participate in contest to learn, and by hiding results, some information is hidden.
I am very curious how everyone did (myself included)
Still up in the air about displaying the voting results. I obviously don't mind being transparent about things, but for some reason showing the results feels weird to me. There were clearly winners to this contest in terms of how you guys voted, though. And those winners were sent off to the judges.
Oh ya! There's also a nice little surprise coming tomorrow
I see how this is weird for you, but think of it as giving the participants a little extra something even if it's nothing, or rather Epsecially if it's nothing. This might be some useful information for people to think over.
Just my 2 cents.
I think it would be beneficial to show how everyone did simply because everyone who entered put a lot of hard work and time into their entries and I feel that though they have earned that right to know how their entry placed. Even if people received no votes, then perhaps it would help them to assess why their entries wern't as popular as others.
On the flip side, personal privacy should be respected so maybe its worth getting all the entrants to let you know whether they want their personal results displayed in the final list or not.
Ye I wouldn't mind seeing all the results :P
But because we only had 1 vote I can predict that the voting went something like this:
1st= 200 votes
2nd= 75
3rd= 25
4th= 15
5th= 5
6th= 4
7th= 4
8th= 3
9th= 3
10th= 2
11th to 20th = 1vote
the rest = 0
or something to that sort of ratio.
I don't know if it makes that much sense. Knowing your votes is useful when you have something to compare them with, analyze what people found more attractive and try to figure out why - that sort of thing.
But then again maybe it's just me.