Ok you may have seen that traffic accident of a face over in the waywo thread and like slaught pointed out and a lot of others did as well it sucks and kinda destroys the whole piece.
So before I get into fixing the mesh itself this will be an error analysis and when Im done with this (and figured out what to do with the hair) I'll fix it. so hopefully im done by the end of the week

Feel free to critique as much as you want and as harsh as you want as this will only improve this pice.
This is the current situation:

Made some paintovers:

Thanks for watching

The shapes of the features seem wrong also, especially the nose and eyes. The ridge of the nose isn't a box, it's more of a trapezoid. The sides of it slope into the cheeks.
Best suggestion would be to use more life reference.
Ok grabbed a lot of Olivia wilde reference;
quite satisfied with the frontview, not with the side...
right now the head looks pretty long in the side view
i changed the face some from the front but take what you'd like from it
I luv u guys
Moved the head a bit more backwards like Terrabite suggested and worked on the facial features; looks a bit old now but somehow... it looks cool :poly121:
It seems like her eyeballs are too far apart, causing the skin around the eyes to be strangely shaped.
The corners of her mouth need to bend back more. The mouth pretty much bends along the shape of the teeth. Google image search "orthodontic models" or something. You could model in the teeth if you want. Also look at Neox's post for this.
There is an awkward-looking ridge around the edge of the mouth. The flesh around the mouth should curve in to the lips. The lack of this is causing a pouty, duck face look.
The forehead and face look too flat - almost like a cube. The light is catching this edge on the forehead in the 3/4 shot.
This is sort of nit-picking at this stage, but the scalp looks bumpy. This could be due to you going too high poly too quickly.
Andrew Loomis - Drawing the Head and Hands helped me a lot when I was learning about facial anatomy (not that I'm not still learning), but I think at this point what you need most is reference images. Find pictures of similar looking girls from a certain angle, put it beside an image of your model and analyze the overall shapes, defining features and angles. Model from good front/side reference images.
It really looks like a classic example of jumping into high levels of subdivisions too early. Block in as much of the larger forms at lower divisions to avoid getting caught up in detail too quickly. Squint your eyes and look at the values of your model compared to something like this: http://philippefaraut.com/store/reference-casts/female-planes-head.html
You're missing the more basic planes of the face and without that it won't matter how well the smaller features are modeled.
After the head, it's a good idea to try and do a finesse pass on the whole thing. Make sure that lines that are supposed to be straight ARE straight and not lumpy or wobbly. Again, I recommend stepping down in subdivisions and working your way up.
Natural, pretty, super model, tough etc?
Right now I'm getting an evil queen vibe from her.
It's mostly due to her sharp features (nose, eyes, lips), the aged look from her somewhat pronounced naso labial folds, the shifty eyes with small irises and her smug facial expression.
If that's what your going for then good work.
There are still some problems with the anatomy but I think if you follow some of the crits it shouldn't be too hard to fix.
Your first paintover looks a lot better already from the front but don't be afraid of depth in the profile.
I see this a lot, square squashed faces which look unnatural because the profile is way too flat.
I'd also take another look at the hairline.
Hope to see updates soon!
went one sublevel down;
I dont know about the fronthead though, is it to high?
jmt: I adressed the eyes, moved them a bit together, seems to fix a lot, thx!
also changed the mass in the back of the head a bit works quite well I
Also bended the corners of the mouth a bit inwards,
worked on the skull shape
haikai: Many many thanks for that head sculpture thing, thats brilliant!
Tried to work those regions in a bit (hopefully thats noticable)
Went one sub down and worked on the proportions, thx
slaught: I finally figured out ( yeah finally) that I'll be going for
a natural, more mature looking head fitting to the suit's higher
class design and tried to remove that evil looking stuff from
the head.
Thanks for the feedback everybody, I finally have the feeling all that head anatomy stuff is in a seizable reach.
Practice practice practice practice ;D
Also please ignore the neck and the ears, didnt adjust the eyeballs yet as well ;D
Finally feeling like getting somewhere
up to the hair!
The eyebrows are also weird.
jmt: what exactly about the eyebrows?
Get some front on reference shots and compare. You won't be able to improve much unless you do this. Otherwise, it'll just be people telling you to fix stuff and then you doing it rather than knowing why.
Seriously, as much reference as possible is KEY when you're learning anatomy and forms/masses. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS ADVICE I used to think I could just sculpt willy nilly and think it'll turn out right, but now every time I start a project I compile a crapton of reference material.
Also, switch back and forth between perspective and orthographic in ZBrush. ZBrush's perspective is stupid so you'll want to try and get it looking right from all directions and with/without perspective.
Anatomy pictures should prove useful for you too, if you know what muscles are there then you can use the clay tube tool(zbrush) to paint in those muscles and then just smooth them out.
Good luck!
Finding good usable reference is not that easy as most portraits on deviant art and comparable sites or so are done with tons of makeup and assumable as much photoshop.
What jmt said about the front shot and comparing is what I did with it.
It was never my intention to have people telling me whats wrong and whats not to fix it; thats like only fixing symptoms in my view.
ceebee: That was done in mudbox with perspective enabled, will check if something's wonky going on with it's settings, thanks!