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3d Artist/Animator looking for work

Hi everyone,

My names Craig and I've just finished a degree in game design in England. I'm now looking for freelance work to boost my portfolio with both paid/unpaid work in Design, modelling or animation.

I work in Maya/Photoshop and prefer to work on characters however have no problem modelling environments and assets, all I ask is that the work I do be allowed to be shown on my website and in my portfolio.

My website is www.brainlessrobot.com this is a work in progress and so far only the blog is up and running.

The below is a link to the last project I worked on at university and was an experimentation with texturing and light baking. The character has only a single 1024x1024 diffuse map and nothing else.


I can be contacted via email on craigrmsmith@live.co.uk

Hope to hear from you soon,

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