There isn't much I can say on this... well actually theres a lot but not much I would like to say on it.
Anyone here remember the original spyro? that little purple dragon who was a hero to the end and had a look that made him seem a little bit cuddle-able? (no homo)
Well watch that trailer and judge for yourself whats happened. But I would much prefer the gameplay be sampled and put to a new franchise... Spyro is pulling a crash bandicoot... another amazing classic platformer squeezed for every penny its worth until it has lost all dignity.
RIP. Spyro
Toys are so gimmicky and well it's not my cup of tea...
Could be so many other cool games made that use toys to interact with characters. Like say "TRANSFORMERS" Imagine putting a transformers toy on the little platform and thats the character that pops up on screen.
Shows off the toy gimmick. Also looks to show 360/ps3 gameplay whereas the first trailer looked to be the wii version.
Ratchet and clank though I have not played the PS3 onces (so this may be unfair) but as the games progressed they became more about the weapons and the combat than the surreal sci-fi platforming elements (grind rails, grapling gun, rocket boots, magnetic boots, etc.)
I only fear what games may follow... it seems sonic is hanging by a thread but judging by reviews on later games hes starting to come back on a new twist of the punky - awesome persona.
Mario seems to still be holding up very well... sometimes I wonder if mario will ever reach breaking point.
You should give the ps3 R&C games a try. They're pretty damn awesome, and I think far better than current Mario games in overall experience.
What's with the Pomeranian Pug look?
I knew it, someone was going to make that joke, oh you sneaky, sneaky man.
I remember when spyro first came out on the playstation...such an awesome is this?
Oh well...guess its for the kiddies.
They looked like they head greater reach but still expired, and I could triple Contra the opponents. Plus the charge with it's glow indicates the strength of my charge.
It seems like the game mechanics are going to be just fine, old formula but revamped, and me like that, plus overhead PROPER camera is looking good.
But the Spyro himself looks like crap. When my sister got a nose operation, they didn't magically cut it off you know, the BLOODY NOSE so how does this work?
Plus, some of the enemy designs inflated models, as if they used the push modifier to pump up the ranks.
I mean honestly, is it so hard to manage gameplay and aesthetics design? I understand we live in cynic times, but not everyone needs to be an anti-hero, we don't want this now, do we?