basic trianing for the airforce was the worst 8 weeks of my life, nothing whent right, I cought a fever in an important time in training which set me back behind in my group and i was catching up through the last portion of training so i had to make up portions of training with people i barely knew, i almost got recycled becasue of getting sick which would have ruined my free time with my parents that i would have gotten at the end and they would have waisted there tickets, a guy from our group flooded the dorms by breaking a sprinkler head and setting off the fire alarm and ruining half the beds in the dorm so we had to drag matresses up and down the stairs and im still sick. so thats a total of 4 weeks ive been sick, although im alot better than then. I got a sore on my ass becasue I had to keep wearing the same underwear becasue underwear somhow disapears over there. My physical traing scores when down beacause of the break in training I had so I had to take the PT test twice. All on top of the stress that BMT puts you through. Things could of whent alot smoother.
oh and a guy pissed himsefl twice and two guys broke down and cryed in the bathroom. lol
Tech school is way better though, way better. Im hopfully going to start classes monday (cyber transport which is computer networking) Im going to get my parents to send my computer gear and books so I can start drawing/modeling again in the next week. cant wait to get back in the game.
If you are the caliber of people they are letting into the U.S. airforce, America is fucked. Grow up.
I reckon infractions should be handed out for retard threads like this.
Everywhere, dicks, dicks everywhere...
But since it's here, and it's already gotten controversial, can I ask a controversial question that I'm often curious about with regards to people who join the military.
I read your OP and it sounds like a horrible way to spend your time, you've basically said it yourself, being surrounded by piss, dirty underpants and crying men... what makes somebody want to go through that?
And then you end with saying you can't wait to get back to making art... why not just skip all the military stuff and do art?
This is what ticked me off. A friend of mine, who wanted to a Pilot, but quit early because he didn't have a 20/20 vision, still had buddies in the military.
The following part might irk some of you so please be warned.
He told on how the conditions soldier work in and fight are deplorable. Things and people like Micheal Bay are nothing more then fan-wankers who don't want to show the military's fighting conditions. For example, on long hikes and periods of travel, soldiers eat those cheap store noodles with cheese, because it literally holds their stomach for a week. I don't even want to think the damage internally those guys suffer or how the hell they go to the bathroom, but imagine this, dry, constipated and stomach being held, this is disgusting to say the least, and having pity for these men would be nothing short of insulting. Their most basic needs is hell.
Moreover, those guys sometimes literally flop over and sleep on tires when they can't find a bed, don't even get me started on the bug bites. I'm not in the military, and the hell they go through, on their most basic needs, even in terms of warfare...I don't know what I can say.
The thing is games like 6 day in Fallujah, which my friend was looking forward to, was hoping it would help educate people on what it feels like to be in the military when entering a new hot-zone for the first time, sometimes, having to stop a bleeding from your friends leg as he screaming at the top of his lungs. Which is why it perplexes me that games that try and show us a darker side of things certain people and how hey suffer is called taboo and called quits.
Hopefully, with LA Noire taking the human 'cruelty' with rape victims and such in a more right and opening direction, other games hopefully will follow through.
Everyone thinks, thanks to people like Micheal Bay and movies like Battle for LA, that military is all good and gun-hoe, and games like CoD do nothing to help against the idea. I'm not saying these mediums shouldn't be made, but we sure as hell need a balance. If a game about a kid searching for his sister, in the dark with a large head is supposed to carry meaning, why can't a game about men and women in uniform carry a deeper message?
Second, let me say. FUCK YOU to the pricks and dicks in this thread. Ravenslayer, Luke, and Andreas.
Thirdly, RJ. You need to to get a spell checker on the machine your on.
Sorry =/
It takes a person stronger than I will ever be to do their service, but that's the reason for my question, not trying to be a dick.
I just wonder why people know how horrific it is, yet go ahead and do it. Is it a patriotic thing? Again, really not trying to be a dick, just can't understand it.
The least he could have done is make a serious discussion topic like PhattyEwok said.
And there wasn't any indicator that military training isn't all fun and games right?
Figured I wouldn't get involved in this, but 'ere we go.
As for the 'caliber of people'... We're all just human really. Some more emotionally detached and more/less fragile. Doesn't matter if you're tough, nor if you don't fear death or whatever, everyone has their breaking point.
Also, I ponder the thought that the 'two extremes', as in, very emotional people, and very emotionally detached/suppressed might also be the ones which would more easily 'snap'. the very emotional just freaking out and the de/supp ones building it up and explode. But anyway, just a thought and prolly a load of bull, I don't care to elaborate much more on it atm.
So, in my opinion. I wouldn't want the kind of people in service which try to act tough or anything like it. I'd want the kind of people that wouldn't fear their emotions etc. but rather be able to understand and analyze them. And be able to express and reason about it with other people instead of just going all mental.
The human mind really is pretty fickle at times. And your perception of the world can vary A LOT during a short period of time when exposed to intense emotions. And thus, contact with other people can sometimes help balance it out. But having an understanding of it may also be a good thing.
Then we get to the question as to why they do it. I think, prolly, a few of them don't really know why and most of them likely don't know what it's like there. Neither do I and don't claim to. And there's probably as many reasons to it as there are people.
Some might very well feel that they are in a point of their life where they don't know what they want to do, and feel that they would want to contribute to something. Some might know very well what they want and are pretty patriotic.
Some might not care about contributing but simply hate their life and just want to do something which they find meaningful. Might be that they have a sort of 'warriors spirit' burning inside of them. Not saying they are in some sort of way mental or have ill intentions, rather that they feel that it's the place for them to be.
/edit: oh, also, what Bidendum said. Honor and respect. And the way we view ourselves. Feeling they have achieved something and that what they're doing is right for themselves and make them proud of themselves. That also again comes back to that they might not really know what they're in for and in the end it could just end up completely breaking them.
And some event might end up changing their perspective completely, thus offsetting their reactions and emotions to certain things. Giving them a completely different experience, and with that, getting back to the thing I said earlier about the mind sometimes being very fickle, and that we can to quite a big extent change personality and be controlled by emotions. bla bla bla. Which also leads on to good and evil.
This area isn't really a major interest for me (military stuff that is). And I wouldn't bring myself to say that their choices and intentions are in any way wrong or right. I'll just leave it here as is.
I think though there's an unnecessary amount of crap in here. And as for the reason of this thread, it's prolly just the guy having had an intense experience and wants to get it out. This were probably not the best place to do it though. It will most likely turn into one of those threads you see every now and then, the ones like 'they killed osama' where people fling ill will comments, try to force their opinions onto each-other and try to make points, which in the end ultimately leads nowhere.
And yes, I just did it myself in an almost excessively neutral way. Oh noes.
rant rant rant, Cheers and goodnight.
No, you're is a combination of you are.
"for your service." would not work with "for you are service". As it is, I said spell checker.
EDIT: Fail me, you mean the last sentence. "machine your on." should be you're on".
Which is funny since right in that paragraph I mentioned spell checking. Not grammar.
Raven, there was no reason to be an a$$ to him in his frustration. It doesn't help anyone.
lol, my bad. Just as oXYnary, I thought he were referring to 'thank you for your service' :poly122:
the machine you are on
the machine your on
Uhh, yeah, you're is correct, lolol. Going after someone for spelling but missing basic grammar, classic!
Wtf is up with this thread?
It's full of rascals.
Interesting watch, pity its going in this thread though.
I remember once, having a go at someone because they "had bad grammer".
Fuck my life.
Have fun. Do as much as you can while you are in and use it to your full advantage. You'll make some life long friends in the military, and have a lot of fun experiences.
Good luck with tech school.
Guys let's lay off the grammar posts and spell checker plugs huh? While this thread isn't the "norm" I have seen many others that have been much worse, like that damn laser pointer is a light saber thread. That thread still gives me nightmares and all the bullshit that came with it and my comments.