Hello all,
During my Maya to Max class, we were instructed to create a tutorial for the benefit of the class, and I wanted to bring the light of real time rendering for our game art children.
It's nothing particularly earth shattering, I've basically compiled Xoliul's shaders along with Max's viewport Depth of Field and how to snag high-res images into one rather exhaustive tutorial with some troubleshooting tips.
Though I don't imagine many of you have a whole lot of use for it, as most of the work here is Marmoset or UDK renders, but I thought I'd post it in case any students like myself could use the info.
I'd also like to thank Xoliul for making these wonderful tools, and the information he's written up has been invaluable in not only understanding his shaders, but in general rendering aesthetics as well.
What these shaders allow you to do is view them as they might appear in a DirectX environment.
It's not a replacement for actually importing into an engine, there are some things it just can't do that engines can, but it's good for people like me who haven't taken the time/will to learn how to import into UDK and render out assets in there.