Congrats! I bet that's a fun style to work on. I always appreciated the vastly different styles of the races in the ST universe...everything from ultra clean to spikey and chaotic. I'll be looking forward to seeing more about the game.
Now thats a cool thing to have as your first official product. Congrats, and hope its as good as it sounds (other than the two writers from the movie - bleh).
Woo can't wait! Trailer reminded me of mass effect (good thing). Jumping from space ships in space = WIN!
If DE needs more beta testers I'm willing to play for free.. Only a few minutes from my house
@PixelMasher: that trailer was the original they released during the PlayStation press conference, so most of the footage is pretty old.
If you guys think that looks good wait until you see everything we added :P cant wait for them to start releasing more footage the game is coming together pretty nicely.
Dude ae. This is sooo awesome. Can't believe this went past me in all this time. Glad you updated the thread and subbed to it as well. I'll pre-order as well (have to find a shop here though haha) but damn for a trekker this is awesome. And a great break for STO to.
That's it i'm going to start with the original series again .
Looks like you guys at Digital Extremes are pumping on all cylinders.:)
Will definitely keep my eye on this.
I loved the movie, so looking forward to this! Does this mean Abrahms is gonna do another ST film in the same timeline?
Yes, he's gonna do another movie, probably 2 for a total of 3.
Should be awesome. DE is making some awesome games these days
I hope there's lots of lens flares! I actually liked that about the film...
just for you :P
If DE needs more beta testers I'm willing to play for free.. Only a few minutes from my house
I know its just a trailer, but I found that a bit strange.
If you guys think that looks good wait until you see everything we added :P cant wait for them to start releasing more footage the game is coming together pretty nicely.
But unless you've added Leonard Nimoy it will disappoint.
you never know what can happen :P
Looks pretty cool so far
you would :P
That's it i'm going to start with the original series again