Heya. To anyone who has heard of or is interested in 3D printing, or the works of Alessandro Baldasseroni, this might interest you. A brand new company called Pinchbot has released their first statue, which is a limited-run print of Alessandro's "Infestation". It is fully assembled, fully painted, and each is numbered.
This model kind of represents a new niche is statue collecting. "Infestation" is perfect for fans of CG modelers who work in video games and movies. Instead of supporting an established comic book or a movie license, this statue captures the result of what happens when a famous CG modeler works from a great piece of concept art. I do CG at my work station, and this is perhaps the worlds best statue to have on my desk. It is pretty damn inspiring!
I recently ordered mine and just got it in the mail, and wanted to share with you the unboxing. From a CG artists perspective, it is amazing to have discovered this model online and then one day been able to have one in front of me!

The "Infestation" concept was originally illustrated by Francisco Ruiz Velasco, and you can check out his blog at
http://fruiz-fruiz.blogspot.com/ . The final sculpt was done by the skilled Alessandro Baldasseroni, and you can see his sculpts at
http://www.eklettica.com/ . Here are some WIP pics that I found online.

When I saw the model on Pinchbot.com I was flabbergasted. It was like the model came to life. To me, this model is right in between my statue collecting and interest in CG modelling, making it a must-have. I picked it up at the post office, brought it back to work, and this is what I found!
The packaging is slick and secure. The box itself is a keeper. The printed and numbered base, complete with non-slip pads, is a real plus. I own a lot of statues, and this one is in a league of its own. Check it out.

I am really impressed with the packaging, and final quality of the model. The hand painting is beautiful. The marble finish to the base is the best I have ever seen. Only 99 other people in the world will have one of these, which adds to its beauty.
I hope that this CG model/statue crossover becomes a scene. Instead of comic book fans recognizing my statue it is now the CG modelers, and that is pretty cool. Pinchbot has had a great start with this model, and I am looking forward to what they make next.
Those eyes, they creep me the fuck out.
That is beautiful.
Do you know if they do, or are planning to do, just the unpainted prints?
Would love to airbrush one of these once I locate a new compressor
Haz said it best