requested this a while back and figured it was a good way to get me to learn photoshop scripting.
What it does?
Saves a PSD with a time stamp (DD-MM-YYYY HH-MM AM or PM). As of right now, the script just saves from where the original PSD sits.
Stuff to work on:
- Implement a check to see if the document has been saved.
- UI for target location
Feedback and suggestions always welcome
Install Instructions:
Copy and paste the Presets folder into respective Mac or PC paths.
Mac: <hard drive>/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS Version\
PC: \Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS Version\
Then, after you quit and restart Photoshop, the newly installed scripts will automatically appear in the File » Scripts submenu (in alphabetical order). To run a script, simply select it by name from the File » Scripts submenu, or choose File » Scripts » Browse to locate and run scripts that don't appear in the Scripts menu.
Adding a script to an action is the same as adding any other command to an action: simply select the script (from the File » Scripts menu) while in record mode and the script will be inserted as a step in the action.
Download Link
I think thats a bit different from what I had in mind at first BUT I can see a lot of uses for this too! (incremental saved to go back too in order to make timelapse animations for instance!)
Will try it asap!
My original idea was to have a script that would let us save a file without even having to do an initial save - by just defining a location once and for all in the preferences of the script. (the timestamp was more of a way to get rid of having to type anything at all)
For the end user it would be : open photoshop > create a file > start painting > hit a button when done (the script part) then move on the next.
I've actually been doing something like that for quick sketches using a screenshot/printscreen program (called Greenshot) but being able to safely store full PSDs would certainly be better!
Anyways, I am very interested by that first script you posted too