I have completed a female character in 3D Max, and skinned her to a biped. I have a male character with almost identical mesh and want to apply the female character's skin settings to him, so I don't have to redo all of the settings. I selected the female mesh, Skin modifier/ advanced parameters/ save/ "envelope
#1.env". I then opened my male character file, applied a skin modifier, selected appropriate bones from identical biped. I went to advanced parameters / load/ and loaded "envelope
#1.env". I clicked "OK" on the "Load Envelope" panel, and it did not work. I am probably missing something in the load envelope panel, but have no idea what to do with it. The CURRENT ENVELOPE and the INCOMING ENVELOPE lists are identical. Do I highlight one side? Both sides? Highlight one at a time and click "match by name" I have no idea, and max help is no help.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!