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3ds max: Saving floating toolbars layout

Max usually saves the position of any toolbars you have opened and positioned but is there a way to save the position of the layers and transform toolbox without having to individualy open them each time you load up max? I tried setting them up how I like them in the viewport and then saving over the default maxstart file but they still don't load up, only the toolbars do. Is there a way to do this? I'm using max 2012.


  • Mark Dygert
    I think there are default positions in the 3dsmax.ini file?
    Typically found in X:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2011 - 64bit\enu\
    That seems pretty manual and time consuming to get it figured out. There might be a better way though maxscript to call the windows and position them but I don't think there is a way to do it through the program other than with a little technical brute force...
  • scourgewarper
    The ini file method looks a bit too complicated for me although I might give it a try later. I was thinking of perhaps creating all the features from the toolbox's and bars I want on a custom graphite toolbar but again I can't get the layers toolbar that way and it'd probably take as long figuring out and editing the ini file anyway. Guess i can live with it just annoying havin to do it after each restart :poly122:
  • Mark Dygert
    There might be something up on script spot that helps you, I remember there being a window management script that allowed people to reset the window positions, it might of had "current position as default" options too, but that might of been a pipe dream I had...

    You would think something like this would be standard feature in any app that has a lot of floating windows...
  • scourgewarper
    :sticky2: exactly! I hope it is on scriptspot will post if I find it
  • Artifice
    I think WindowBox might be the one Mark is referring to. I used it to recover my windows after my second monitor died. I don't know if it has the functionality you want, but it might be a starting point for your own maxscript.
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