So...I wanted to do something a "little" bigger than the environment I usually do, so here is it.
It's gonna be based on the one from the movie (as much as I can).
I know that there was a collab project, and I saw some incomplete, or unfinished on internet, so I hope I'll manage to finish it.

It's gonna be a loooooong task, anyway for now...blocking :

Razgriz, I'm nexto EzMeow at work so he knows the workflow well for Helms Deep very well :P
Ok, gotcha - this thread immediately made me think of the piece you did a while ago; your environment stuff has always inspired me quite a bit.
I'll be following this to see how it turns out!
Excellent terrain, excellent layout planning, great scale. But weak textures, no minor details, and quite possibly the worst camera work I've ever seen.
For now I'm still in "pre production" process, doing some material test and getting the right scale for the building in my blocking. (so don't expect fancy update for now
By the way I plan to make it in the Cry Engine, and I would like the map to be "playable" (read LOD, collision, on screen texture memory, polycount, draw call budget, overdraw etc...)
it's in russian, but the amount of work is awesome
not much to say, slowly doing the blocking to get the right scale for everything and test in the engine :
i can't wait to see this finished, in like 10 years
No big change unfortunately
I worked on the structure of the walls and a bit of texture, and did some test on the terrain.
(the terrain texture is just a test)
(not the last version of the sculpt but I was lazy to reopen zbrush to screen ~)
everything is very WIP. By the way all the hard/soft edge are wrong on the screen as I had to switch 3d package due to some exporter problem; the normal information have been lost during the conversion.
Next step, finish my test on the terrain, and then some test to see how I can get a decent result on the cliff
Oh by the way if some admin could change my thread title to
[CE3]Minas Tirith , this would be nice
Iteration on the rocks, trying to get a solid base structure so it's gonna be easier to populate it with building (still a lot of work to do with the walls rocks and ground but it's getting somewhere)
Nice job so far!
Basically the main peak is 3 textures : 2 for the parts where the player can reach and 1 for the rest of it).
Then I did a modular rock block that I could use anywhere (with another 2048 ).
The mountain structure is made with a mix of all those. Then I used some detail and dirt map on top of it.
For now all the texture are in 2048 each (possibly going to scale it down to 1024), which could sound overkill but I considered the peak as one of the main "hero" feature of the map and the peak is 300m high, plus i want the map to look good at least in 3rd person camera.
I keep in mind the "too smooth feeling" anyway.
Wireframe shot ~
and a screen of the modular rock :
Nothing fancy on the workflow, sculpt, retopo, bake.
By the way the texture isn't finished yet.
curious to see how you make the architecture match the style of those rocks. this could be quite lovely!
I'll be watching this one, hope you see it through!
I've played with the terrain and did the block out for the graveyard behind the city.
The part just behind is a sculpted mesh, while the part far in the background in the terrain. On the screen you can easily see the transition from modular block, to the mountain mesh, then to the terrain, but it should be fine from the player point of view (which should be in the city and not flying in the air~)
As for the color it's quite dull at the moment but some texture are just and there is no blendshader, dirt or decal yet.
Anyway, images~
some towers :
and in the city :