So I currently have an issue with mudbox right now. I have a model with a rectangular texture (or just 2 regular square textures, makes no difference at this point). Basically, I have a character who is essentially "naked" on one UV tile, and the other tile is dedicated to it's armor and equipment.
I place my UV's properly, but when I import a texture in mudbox, it only shows the texture on the UVs that are within the "normal" 1-1 UV space. The UVs that are offset to the next tile cannot load the texture. I can paint on them within mudbox just fine, but when it comes to importing a texture on them, it just won't work.
Yes, my UV's are placed properly, none are overlapping, and there is enough space between each UV shell.
What's causing this?
Thanks in advance!
PS: The texture shows up in UV view just fine, but it won't display the texture on the model itself.

if you have more tiles... you have to name them _u3_v1 and so on...
you cant name them different... head.tif and armor.tif wont work...
and use tif files... mud works best with tif...
you could also use a different shader... mudbox 2012 is able to paint across different objects and shader...
How exactly does mud work better with TIF? What are the advantages over TGA?
mudbox does sometimes strange things if you work with tgas... its flipping your textures...
but with tifs i never had a problem...
mudbox works also better with 16bit during painting... much cleaner color mixing...
i convert all my 16bit tif files later into tgas if i have to work on game stuff...
8bit tif files are also smaller than tga if you paint large areas in one color... and they are a lossless file format like tga...
100% red tif ~83kb LZW compression...
100% red tga 16mb
Thanks, you just saved me couple hours of looking for solution why my texture is flipping no mather what I do :thumbup: