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[Portfolio] Game Art Generalist


My name is Peter Richmond. I am a recent graduate from Ringling College of Art and Design where I studied Game Art and Design and earned a Bachelor's of Fine Arts Degree. I have a passion for creating game content and an even greater passion for playing great games!

Please check out my work and let me know what you think!


  • samcole
    Your site is kind of confusing, I can't tell what you want to do within the industry. There are a TON of screenshots..but its hard to tell what was your work. I see you mentioned team roles, but soo much scrolling everything is a bit unclear.

    The blog style is so CHAOTIC. You have mixtures of everything. You need to separate your work out. You seem to have no focus...so its hard to tell what you do well. This isn't really a portfolio, its more of a long list of the things you have done, which is frankly hard to tell.

    drop the "Resume, Portfolio" text by your References upon request. People will judge your work based off your website, from what I've read many don't/won't ask for a physical portfolio, also have a downloadable PDF/Word doc of your Resume. People shouldn't have to ask you for it if your already listing it on your site.
  • megalmn2000
    Offline / Send Message
    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Too much stuffs, I can't choose which one to look at.
    You should simply your presentation, choosing ONLY the best of the best, not all the projects you've done until now. Separate them into sections, like 1 piece, when you click on it, go to the "making of" page with the wireframe and the textures.
    Here's a good example : http://www.jeroenmaton.net/
  • IdiotDrummerGuy
    The projects look very interesting, but it's very hard to tell what parts of them were done by you. I think the folks above me already pointed this out, but it doesn't hurt to reiterate: simplify this layout. Only pick your best projects and make it super-super-clear which parts were your responsibility. some of the work at the bottom could be set into a different category (ie, the 2D sketches should be in their own page). consolidate, simplify, compartmentalize.

    I really like your work man, but your website could use some lovin. here's one of my favorites:

    Keep at it!
  • Envart
    Offline / Send Message
    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Love the Bots video, some clever ideas in there.
  • DDuckworth
    Offline / Send Message
    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Most of your stuff is really needing some high poly work/normal maps and AO passes, but after watching the bots vid i'm psyched for the game, I gotta say it's really saddening to know this isn't actually coming out - i want to play that right now, it looks really fun...

    Also all of the graphic design work is great!

    Finally I doubt you need your address on your resume, it seems a little dangerous and I doubt any potential employer would ever walk up to your doorstep to offer you an interview.
  • PeterRichmond
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. Appreciate the tips and the links, and I am working hastily to improve my site!
  • Amadreaus
    Aside from the stuff that people have already said, it's obvious that you're skilled as a generalist. That role is becoming increasingly popular these days, especially for smaller studios. Nice work man!
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