hey all,
so I have gone through some identity crisis with my forum name. I have done this before. I create an alias, post, lurk, post some more, then think "damn...I wish I had a different name..."
So, here goes with a new start (again)
I'm also planning on getting more involved and being less of a lurker (look for some incoming drawings in the concept tag thread)
caveman (old -> chill_lair)
just pick something and stick with it. mine isn't good but it functions.
This is true. Before I started using my real name, people had to get to know me before they knew I was a douchebag. Now they can tell right away!
*Chorus* He used to be "caveman", but now... he's a lawyer.
It just dawned on me the gieco caveman commercials were a total ripoff.
Saves alot of time doesnt it
....wait, what?
Shits never taken.
Wtf? Why? Is this some kind of trend I'm not aware of?
The idea of using a real name is that you are made completely accountable for what you say, no hiding behind pseudonyms. It is surely more professional to use your full name, its never done me any harm.
Meh, I am abit of douche in retrospect.
It's good to see you work through that quickly. ;-)
Just kidding, some of those don't fit well/at all anyhow. Oh well, for the sake of the joke!
My username on here is something I've used for a couple of years in a variety of things - but I've done the variant idea before (adding "monkey" to a descriptive word; i.e - surfmonkey, etc.) and also a "professional/portfolio/brand"-type name of ahkdigital.
Ahaha I pretty much had an argument with myself. Might change my username to tylerdurden.
Yeah man! what happened to this Vig guy?:poly141:
Stick with Caveman and go make some nice art
Anyway. I find changing my online name to Wahlgren has helped with people knowing who the fuck I am / remembering it. It's not the most common of last names so yeeeh.
EDIT: It's a bit odd when people call me by my first name here tho since it's not in my username... oh well! Now i'm gonna go pound some coffee!
They call you by your real name to let everyone else know you are a douche! :P jk
It's a step up from Notorious P.I.G tho, That was quite a douchey name. It's now reserved for gaming!
I kept mixing you up with Jon Rush becasue of your old name.
To the OP, no need to announce a name change especially when you're a lurker.,
Which is when you unlock higher levels of confidence and maturity, stop being a kid hiding behind a silly username, and are able to use your real name to maximum effect, to woo members of the opposite sex, to buy alcohol without needing ID, to get into parties, etc. All the important stuff.
My first username was "defaulthuman". I think I was going through an existential phase with that one. Within a year of that, I'd figured that if you act online as you do in RL, then it's pointless having a fake name to hide behind.
D-d-d-dooouche powerrrrr!
Anyhoo, I use 'adam' because thats my name and I'd like to think that being transparent is a good thing - even when it comes to who I am on Polycount
Outside of Polycount, where I am not talking with colleagues, artist friends, or other professionals my user name is 'MANCHiLD'. I'm an adult who loves videogames. Manchild seemed to have fit.
2 points to anyone who can tell me what my original Polycount user name was back in 1998-1999.
Wow, that old Polycount wasnt hard on the eyes at all. Douchbags, all of you :thumbup:
Ding! milk was the original name I registered with.
please post some of your terrible milkjoi comics
Luckily for me the great purge of 2004 wiped away most record of my posts from the ages 14-19, otherwise I probably would have changed my name by now.
dumbJoi fool. And lotsa people liked em!
I dont recall there being so much 'OH MY FEELINGS' on the net in the 90's
Here are some dudes I work with:
Joao Filipe Sapiro Vaz Josue
Per Normann Abrahamsen
Benedict Charles Orlando Garnell the Third, Earl of Gloucester
oh and also there is this guy:
Pedro Hil
Also, if you want a new name.. there's no need to create a new account... I hear some people (admins) can change that for you. Not sure what polycounts policy is on it though
I've been thinking of changing mine to my real name as well.. But I've always been using Tiros, even when I played wow, so it has a bit of sentimental value. So for now I've just stuck it in the sig instead.
Full name maybe, but I feel that if you use your first or second name as a username, you are less likely to act like a spastic in case it comes back on you
For the whole "oh it makes you look more professional" crap, I say, who really cares? This is an industry where we wearing tshirts to work, power down soda like theirs no tomorrow and geek out over video games and tech alike. I dont see it helping or hurting you to have your real name or a user name. In the end if you are a talented individual people will know you despite what name you use on the forums.
Like Adam F (Trios) my user name has sentimental value to me and I dont mind keeping it. Just my 2cents
Especially the fighting games one with the motion blur