It' for us a first test in unity and show here some asset
its a 2 day job for now, it's remain some default but i make a second pass after
some gameplay test
the main character
in game
some arena module
editor views
I not confortable with the shaders in unity and I only use the presets shaders
comment and crits arent welcome
specially of the polycount
thanks for viewing
its a multiplayer team based gameplay
with a very simple gameplay ,but it's play in our system called 5DI (based on pc)
for amusment park
it's a 7 m diagonal screen with special effect (smoke ,motion seats,stereo, )
an a gun controller like wii (the player can shoot the screen)
if the player shoot the enemy drone ,the dron its hurt
if the player shoot the friend drone ,the drone its heal
and if the player shoot its own drone ,a shield is generated
a 3 team arena and GUI test
we take a picture of the players and put the photo ingame
Keep it up!
How did you make it look so good? baked lighting?
I think that as integrated elements its less clear
Yes I put some element to complete the screen under the HUD
@ dogzer : its all dynamic lithning and shadow plus SSAO and a glow
looks very cool .. but the hud really needs a little polish as stated earlier.
looking forward to some updates!
Everything else is great though. The metals look awesome
If you are having trouble with shaders, try this out...
Its semi randomly ,the drone move in the same direction as the shoot
for the HUD ,I try something else more object (like a real screen)
yes ,this editor looks great but I cant try it without pay
Right now it looks like you added the UI in the last minute and it doesn't blend at all with the rest of the game.
I personally would get rid of the user icons and just leave the HP (?) bars and score. Or just the HP bars and have the score and user icons show after-match. It's not like you'll be checking scores mid-game or anything, right?
3player hud needs fixing though. I'd either drop the player avatars to reduce size or use the ton of space left and right of the board. Might not be symmetrical but thats not a biggy.
its going to look bad or be used by the player as a camping spot.
why not build the interface around each district play field or build a single ui
for all gameplay to occur in not under.
Other than that the modular stuff looks nice not too dissimilar to speedball2.
Agree with the comments about the UI, that green bar is so dominant and there's nine of them!.. also don't like the avatars, makes it look like an 80's arcade UI, the rest of it is looking great though.
I am of course grateful for all comments
for the avatars its actually a real photo of a player in our system, we take of photo of all the player at the start of the game and put ingame, I look for the next test at a less eighties player
I'd just play more with specular and gloss (in case you are using it) maps in order to increase highlights on scratchs.
Its very important for us (the pictures), our users are less to 30 seconds for understand our game ,see itself on the screen its the best way to associate yourself at a drone
a little update, added some expand to the arena and a new GUI (its still in test)
I dropped the score
and some old ingame screenshot
Also, some of your normals seem flipped.
Its for amusment park and the users are not necessarily gamers
Have you tested the game on the actual 7m screen? It could be good to see how big everything is on the real screen since it's so much bigger than a computer monitor, sounds hard to get things to look right without some proper field testing.
and you really should add life-bars to the drones.