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pelt mapping help!

Ok so I'm getting really frustrated with this small problem when pelt mapping. so I'm unwrapping this support and for one part I do point to point seem as usual (blue arrow), and when I press pelt map it just shows a red and white dotted line (red arrow). Can some one please explain why it's doing this? Thank you


  • tesher07
    The thing is, I always use planar mapping and it worked perfectly fine. Yikes.... I just tried planar and cube mapping it and gave me similar issues....
  • mortalhuman
    I think that for starters it may have too many seams to actually be a pelt, or the selection is too many seams/separate uv elements? Not sure. It looks like there are a lot of cut out segments that in a pelt map would be still stitched.

    For this model though, flatten mapping and stitch the pieces together. That, or planar map it each way and stitch them after that.

    Also, for good measure and clarity between the first reply, LCSM is not pelt mapping. Similar though they are in setup, the unwrap process itself is different, where one is pelted manually, and the other is automatically unwrapped.

    I think your pelting will work if the seams are fixed, but like I said, I would flatten mapping and stitch it the way I like, or planar from each extraordinary normal (sides and fronts and backs, bottom tops), and then stitch those resulting pieces.
  • tesher07
    Whats bothering me is, that I'm unable to pelt map the vertical polys of a rectangle/square in max for some odd reason now, while I went into max 9 and it worked perfectly fine. I'm still stuck :(. Is there an actual solution as to how to fix the red/white dotted line when doing a simple pelt map?
  • Adam L. Gray
    Reset x-form & collapse, re-start max. Still doesn't work, then dunno, maybe re-install max.
  • Mark Dygert
    I don't know why you would want to pelt that, probably just flatten map it and stitch a few sides together. Have you tried creating a cube, apply edit poly to it and then attach your object to the cube, then delete the cube element?
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    for things like this it is so much faster to flatten or quick planer map, than use the move and stick command in the UV editor to piece faces together.

    pelt and lscm are much better for organic objects, for this kinda object it isnt ideal
  • tesher07
    Ok well at this point planar mapping is also useless since it is doing the same that pelt mapping is doing, which is the red and white dotted line
  • mortalhuman
    Wait, what? When you do a quick planar on selection or planar x, y, or z, you still get the dashed line?!
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Skip the flatten stitch and just use Unfold! Mapping > Unfold mapping. Done. Already stitched.
  • tesher07
    Ok so I talked to a modeler friend and he tried to figure it out and when he made a cube in blender and imported it to max as an object it worked fine... So can anyone explain what the the heck is wrong??

    The images below show in max the imported cube from blender and how it actually works how I wanted to. The images 1-3 show the steps in order. So it works if I import a box from blender but it doesn't work with a box from max????
  • Mark Dygert
    Well one problem could be that you're using an extremely old plug-in (Chuggnuts tools) with a much newer version of max. When you install chuggnuts it overwrites a few uwnwrap core files with really old re-written versions. At the time chuggnuts came out it expanded on the current code but now they've made several improvements (like incorporate nearly everything from chuggnuts into max6+) you replace new things with old and stuff isn't going to work right.

    Outside of that did you try reset xform and did you create a new object attach your old object to it and delete the new mesh while in element mode? That normally clears up mesh problems in max and clears out the objects history.
  • pepp0r
    I don't know why you would want to pelt that, probably just flatten map it and stitch a few sides together. Have you tried creating a cube, apply edit poly to it and then attach your object to the cube, then delete the cube element?

    this is exactly the way I made it :thumbup: fast and good result, and BTW tesher a cube is a bad example for pelting :poly142:
  • tesher07
    Mark, I have used that tool for quite a long time and it hasn't served many problems. I have already tried resetting xform and the attaching object but neither worked. Could it be a bug in 3ds max?
  • tesher07
  • ikonane
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    ikonane polycounter lvl 7
    Sorry for bump, but I have the same problems with these beams.

    I have tried to reset x-form and collapsed, uv-clear, restart and so forth. The beams are the same object duplicated and 90% of them worked. Some random didnt.

    I have de-attached them from the others in the image.
    The strange thing is that it worked at some meshes but not others that are the same.

    I have no idea why I got this problem but this is how I solved it:
    Unwrap -> Edit -> Mapping -> Flatten Mapping -> *right click on edges* -> Stitch Selected.
  • Mark Dygert
    Pelt isn't really ideal for that type of object with multiple separate sub-objects and those objects are so simple they should be unwrapped another way besides pelt.

    Pelt is more ideal for one continuous selection of complex faces, like skinning a beaver.

    You would probably find Peel and point to point edge selection in 2012 to be super useful as it works more like what you want pelt to do with about half the clicks and quirkiness that pelt has.

    Check out Peel at 3:50
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIl4dKNBIZg"]3ds max 2012 enhanced uvw unwrapping - YouTube[/ame]

    Planar map.
    Select seam edges, break.
    Select all faces, Quick pelt.
  • AnimeAngel
    I have had this happen to me before and I believe it is a problem with the faces you are trying to map. In the past I have solved it by deleting the offending faces and remaking them.
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