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>_< FUUUU Topogun

polycounter lvl 9
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Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
It keeps crashing.
I literally am saving after every operation and there's a fucking 50% chance that it will crash after I make a new vertices.

I might go back to Zbrush
Even one of the videos on their main page the guy complains about how much it crashes.


  • Sean VanGorder
    Use 3d Coat, my personal favorite.
  • Adam Curtis
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    Adam Curtis polycounter lvl 17
    Cant say I've had the same experience, seems stable to me..
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Massbot wrote: »
    Cant say I've had the same experience, seems stable to me..

    Dito, but alternatives are always good to have, for everything we have to do!!! Speaking from experaince you don't want to be like damn It sitting their messing with stuff for hours falling behind.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    I tried Topogun the other day. I was relatively stable. I did have crashes when I tried to load a pretty high poly model.

    I reaaaaaally had issues with Zbrush retopology. Being able to see through the mesh made it really difficult later on. I may try 3dcoat. I've heard nothing but good things about it. Is 3dCoat a retopo program specifically? Or is just good at doing it?
  • Sean VanGorder
    You can do a lot in 3d Coat like paint textures, unwrap, sculpt voxels and some other stuff. But it's really great for retopo. Fastest and most intuitive program I've experienced. It even has a auto-quad retopo feature, which isn't perfect, but can give a good start.
  • TNO
    Topogun is a good retopo program,(tried the Zbrush retopo some years ago in the testimonial time and I wasn´t satisfied with it,the way I had to move the vertices in the air to get a correct map of the highpoly for the lowpoly was horrible)
    so Zbrush isnt´t my choise for retopo stuff.

    the beta version of Topogun therefor is pretty stable and if you placed a vertice it is where it belongs and if you really got a crash the autosave function will make your day a lot happier because it works.

    I won´t use 3d coat because in my opinion developers should keep their religious believings out of the product sites,and more importantly out of the eulas.
    (no matter wich religion this doesn´t belong in a marketing or a Program for Artists)

    EDIT ;this is only my opinion so you can ignore it if you disagree about the relgion thing ,,if there is need to discuss it would belongs more in PNs.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    hahah awesome i never read the Our Voice page :D

    I prefer 3d coat for retopology, and if that's Jesus helping out keeping everything running smooth then i don't mind even though i'm not religious :P.
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    they should rename it, 3d Technicolor Dream Coat. K, that wasn't very funny, I know. :(
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    TNO wrote: »
    I won´t use 3d coat because in my opinion developers should keep their religious believings out of the product sites,and more importantly out of the eulas.

    They cleared this up a while back. this is from their 'our voice' page.
    Pilgway wrote:
    We can not (and don't want!)(to) control your activity. That is a request and not a legal demand.

    So you can use it for what you like and they wont try to stop you, their god might getting pissed off and smite you though.
  • TNO
    hm english isn´t my main language but if you ask me "requesting" still means in this context evangelizing but enough with the relgion thing.

    3d coat is also a nice program [if you can ignore the "our voice" page ;-) ]but it costs more as I would spend at the moment for a working retopo function.
    The voxel function was not that great because after moving and sculpting I had stuff in the meshes but after http://farsthary.wordpress.com/
    is trying to implement dynamic tesselation (called Live Clay in 3d coat) it gets harder and harder to not buy and use it.

    EDIt; http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=2&t=952169&page=1&pp=15 there is a big discussion about 3D-coat maybe this is helpfull because there are also pros and cons.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    TNO wrote: »
    hm english isn´t my main language but if you ask me "requesting" still means in this context evangelizing but enough with the relgion thing.

    Make of it what you will I just thought it was important to stress that they are NOT trying to use the EULA to force their views on their users. Judge the program on its strengths and weaknesses, religion need not be mentioned.
  • TNO

    Please be so kind and make a whole quote next time of my postings and don´t put sentences out of context.I already have written what the pros and cons are in my view.
    and I put a hyperlink to CGtalk where there is a full and also fresh discussion about 3D-Coat.

    3D-Coat doesn´t fit really to my actual workstation or pipeline at the current state and the relgious issues are only one little negative thing that could bother
    artists and it is worth to be said because people have to talk about it,like you have to do as it seems..

    so in conclusion I extensible tested it in the legal time trial(s) (changed my PC hardware etc)and have written down what the pros and cons are.

    regardinless what you think I tried 3D coat before the discussion about the relgion debates where actual. I am also informing myself since these discussions if there is a groundbreaking thing that could make me switch to it.
    I am open for all 3D programs because I am not that childish that if there is a groundbreaking thing I wouldn´t consider switching-I would switch

    just read the posting of me after the sentence you quoted
    and don´t try to put me in a wrong area. :-/
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    TNO: people can read everything both of us have said so there is no way either of us can be misrepresented.

    Bonebrew22: sorry for stinking up your thread mate. I'll STFU now.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Lol this was mostly a Rage thread so I'm happy it evoled into something a little bit more cerebral than "FACEROLLAEAWFAGAGDFA TOPOGUN"

    Dustin: Thanks for that link bro I haven't tried it yet but it sounds nice :P
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