Hello I was trying to make a sort of sxtrusion on Zbrush but when I extrude a masked part on a curved and detailed already face it gets standing out with the same curvature of the base mesh under and the details also get extruded and curved , instead I would like ot extrude a part in flat forma , whit a almoust flat surface that doesn't reflect the surface or the details under it , any idea how I could do that?
Sorry I am very new still to Zbrush ...
thx for any help ....
Depending on the state of the mesh and what you're trying to create, you may even find it quick just to append a cube-subtool, transpose it into place and then remesh+project:
Worth trying!
Meshmixer5 what is this?
Anyway if I use append would be possiblle to merge totally the new mesh with the other geometry in order that they look like if they where melted together in the connection area?
I mean something like what's happen in 3dsmax when you activate simmetry and then you put closer the two mirrored parts to the central division line ... so that automatically vertices and poygons get autoconnected to form one single element?
I wish actually a feature like that also for max ....
Though sometime, as a personal test, play around with having two individual meshes next to eachother (subtools), and try sculpting between them with a clay brush. That tends to try and blend them together nicely as well.
Smoothing will tend to break the blend though (unless there's a modifier to get it to behave like the clay brushes), and some things such as surface noise will also make them visible. But otherwise it tends to work out well. I'm not sure if an external baker would see it as smoothly; that would be another thing to test.
here is the result ...
my attempt was to add to the mesh those square thngs like if where all coming out of this sort of statue so that when I go sculpt it it can just look like made out of the same piece ... I dunno tough if this is the right way to go ...
What does it look like once you project the details?
what do you suggest to procede like? I made the basic mesh and that group of squares as an append now ...
I notice that when I put alpha dragging it on the surface of the model sometimes it projects all straight according to my view point instead it doesn't wrap around the surface of the model respecting the normals direction , is there wa way to toggle instead this second behaviour?
Also how do I do to avoid that the alpha gets projected on the rear of the model usually as negative version?
thanks for any answers .....
As for projecting through the model, you could try masking the back manually, or using a brush automask (backface and directional sound like helpful candidates)