A Gooch shader goes from warm to cool. Like in this picture

but in unreal, I'm having trouble.
My shader works correctly in that the brighter the light is, the yellower it gets, and the darker it is, the bluer it gets. But the trouble is that it stops half way, as in it's only lighting half the sphere, which is normal. How can I make the entire sphere affected by the lighting vector?
Objects always self shadow in the material editor preview window.
The light vector IS applicable to the entire mesh, its just being overruled by the shadow component of the render pipeline.
Place a static mesh in the world and turn off its shadow casting, and you'll see your full goochy effect.
I don't suppose there's a way to turn off the shadows in the material editor, because they get in the way a lot. Other than zooming out, zooming out makes it fade out.
I'be looked for a way to turn them off without success. Could be somewhere I have yet to check.