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Hydraulic Mining Jack

Just posting some art to get back into the swing of being back on polycount:) more to come in the future please crit as desired...other work can be found at www.travisauerbeck.com



  • polygonfreak
    OK, I love technical specs... maps, tri counts.. low poly model. The two things I see improvement on the final render...

    1. The hydraulic jacks should be shiny. I am of course talking about the silver cylinders in the middle.

    2. not enough dirt and oil. These things would be covered with both.

    Hope that helped.

    By the way, I love your high poly.
  • TravisAuerbeck
    Awesome thank for the crit. I will post wireframes, tri-count, textures, and all that good stuff in a couple hours when I get home from work. Then shortly after I will add to the texture:)
    Would you suggest that I add an additional normal map to give the rust areas more depth?
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    I think the one thing that I am noticing here is that I have no idea what the sense of scale is for this model. If it is smaller include some landmark elements that the viewer can quickly relate to its size, and if it's larger than a human, throw in a character so that we can see how big it is supposed to be. I really like this model a lot, but without the scale element I'm really kinda thrown off. Maybe put it into a scene so that we can see it's context as well, but again, excellent model and I'm really liking the style. If you could show your reference and/or mood board that would be really awesome as well. It's always great to see the high poly shot as well, because it really does show that you do have a good understanding of sub d techniques. As to your question about the normal map, I think that you could try setting up a detail normal map of the rust and other details to really push this a little farther. Without that normal map, some of areas feel a little flat. What I've heard a lot here on PC is that you should really let the normal map do most of the work, and tone the diffuse down because once it's in game, it gets a little noisy. keep that in mind as you go forward with this, but it all comes down to how it looks in engine. Keep it going man!
  • TravisAuerbeck
    Could anyone recommend, a tchinique of open source program that combines normals?
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    POFFINGTON polycounter lvl 11
    Crazy bump can combine your normal maps
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