Hey everyone,
I've been working on this off and on for a little bit and finally "finished" it. She was heavily influenced by things like the Queens Blade figures etc. I made two versions but want to present the more conservative version to keep it classy. Even though she is done crits are always welcome thanks!
and here's a turntable if you're feeling fancy
edit; maya hardware screengrab- blinn material-specs and wires later
(wants to see the less conservative version)
she was modeled/sculpted in "A" pose then when the textures/mats were getting near complete I exported the low res to zbrush and posed her using the masking and transpose/rotate tools. her feet were remodeled and hand placed in maya. the tail was modeled "as is" using zspheres and then optimised in maya.
For example, if you look at the Andyh devil girl, you'll see a not so real girl, but with a dark look and expression.
She has the evil and seduction with her. It's more convincing as a devil girl than yours, although yours' is much more realistic.
The point is, take some time to make studies of expression and atitude next time. think in personality and the idea you are trying to pass about a char. This sometimes it's more important than realism and the technical side, IMO.
Keep it up, bro, and thanks for leaving me a comment!