(Warning: Sales pitch follows)
Ok...So I decided to get the t-shirt design that I posted in WAYWO printed. It seems people like it...
and for an unlimited time only... you, Yes YOU! can purchase one (or several) right now.
OK. So you probably arent going to buy and probably not many will. But when I was ordering I discovered that it was very easy to publish designs and get spreadshirt to do all the hard work, so I thought, sod it. Sell them, What harm can it do. I will be making more designs also.
Has anyone else sold anything on spreadshirt or other t-shirt site?

p.s. Apologies to admin and PC for shameful promotion. I feel a bit like Belias....its like a strange tingle in my armpits...weird...
EDIT: oh BTW. If anyone does want to buy a t-shirt or use the QR code thing to make designs. Use the black code on light background and the coloured (blue) on a dark background. Else they dont work.
i really wish you had green images on a black shirt, but im really digging it overall. expect a purchase to come soon (after i get paid)
Actually. The blue QR should work on any colour because it has a border edge surrounding the code. The black code doesnt so it probably wont work on darks.
Also. Duh....I missed a trick there didnt I. Will definitely do a Green on Black version and will add it tonight. Might even change the logo to resemble Greentooth....but not too closely. I wouldn't want to get sued. :P
"Obey the Machine"
As requested. Heres a black and green version. I refrained from putting a pixel PC logo on it as I don't want to get into trouble.
I think i'll order one of these myself, thanks for the suggestion.
Skype: 'beta-buster'
Will defo get in touch Adam. I'd love to do some PC stuff.
Anyhoo, this stuff is addictive. Heres a new design, I say new but I've had this idea in my head for a long time. Since I first named something hand.obj actually.
A bit of 3D modelling humour. If I need to explain it maybe I need to rethink it.
(now I just need to work out how to model a blow.obj
I would if I could. I think if I get a premium account I can give out voucher codes. Its something I think I will do eventually but i'll see how things go with the free account first.
WOW!..thanks man. You are my first customer I think. Feels strange selling my design for the first time. I honestly didn't really expect to sell any. You made my day!
OK. Heres some more designs. I had forgotten that when I was at college, Me and a friend decided to set up an online T-printing website (I think its something every art student in the world thinks about doing, but never do because it costs (beer) money and takes time and effort). So I had designed these but never did anything with them. I have a couple more that I need to improve on as well.
Anyway. Hope you like them.
Boob/Moob fighter
Twin Guns
This design has cutout sections for Eyes, lips and bikini. So the T-shirt colour shows through. Theres also a version with coloured lips and eyes so only the bikini changes. I did this version because some colours look silly, like yellow eyes and lips. Some might like that though.
Love the hand.obj lol
This is addictive. Heres another design that was part of an artwork I created a while ago. I'm a big fan of silhouette art so expect a few more designs like this.
I'm gonna buy a few shirts on my next paycheck!
Support our fellow polycounters!
If you want to buy a shirt you can get it in my "shop" in the grey and neon green colours which I have ordered. The Classic men's and women's Tees also have a simple braile (skull.sys) printed on the back.
You can also use the design in spreadshirt custom designer. This allows you to change both colours, printing materials, and also put the design on any apparel you chose. Follow the link below and click on the skull.sys image. The spreadshirt designer should start up with the design. If you need to search for the design its called skull.sys.
Example variants
Also. My previous design "obey1" pixel design is now vectorised as well. Which is also available in the designer under the name "obey1" and the QR code should also appear. Direct link's here.
I plan to vectorise the Hand.obj t shirts as well. But I'm limited to 3 vector designs at a time until I sell 10 Tees or something. So if you want one of them let me know. I can switch the designs around to fiddle things.
Thanks in advance to anyone who does buy. I'm not in this for the money or anything. I want to get my designs printed for myself ultimately. Might as well share them while i'm on eh?...
Thanks man. Ok. I'll swap the designs around in a few weeks. So don't buy the Hand.obj one just yet. In fact i'll take it down from the shop for now.
Yeah. Sorry. I removed it because that version was a png image print. Quality isnt as good as Flex print with vector art. I'll upload that in a week or so and send out a reminder to anyone who wants one.
D o
Cool stuff man!
You can either get it from the store in grey/neon green (Maya colours). with flex printing
Or, you can use the design and change the colours to what ever you like, also more apparel and printing styles are available here, here:
Cheers in advance to anyone buying.
Thanks gilesruscoe, "pimp" away!
hmmm...utah teapot eh?... I'm sure I can think something up ;P