I created a tile-able texture in zbrush that Im capturing materials from. The normal, diffuse and spec worked well. However I am having trouble getting a good material setting for capturing cavity maps. I tried using Behrooz's settings from this thread
But It did not work as in intended.
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.
I wonder if it's possible to create a material setting that resembles ambient occlusion?
Thanks !
You could go to the alpha palette and grab the document. Create a new plane (subdivide but don't smooth) and apply the alpha as a displacement map. Then you could use BPR to render AO, or use MultiMap Exporter to export both an AO and cavity map. You could even switch to the flat-color matcap and then mask by cavity / ao and then paint it in.
I'll try those methods.
The result was that I just got a blank white material applied. I should have been a darkish color in all the pits and cavities when I applied the cavity material..then I could have just exported doc as PSD for compositing.