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computer parts in japan

polycounter lvl 7
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jarrede polycounter lvl 7
Since my wife and I are moving to Japan soon, I was wondering if computer parts were more or less expensive over there compared to the States. Anyone here have experience with this sort of thing?

My wife has family there, she's really only been here for 3 years or so, but she doesn't know much about where to buy that sort of thing, and my Japanese reading ability is limited atm.

any info would be much appreciated!



  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    Programmer friend of mine who works over there says that everything is kinda outdated and much more expensive. You might want to have a friend smuggle you some premo stuff. :)
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Is there something like Newegg for Japan?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Japan is probably the cheapest place on the planet to build a computer. Of course, getting the deals does mean having to read Japanese to a nerd degree (possibly why Esprites friend did not get cheap parts) - go to Akihabara with a shopping list and a Japanese geek dude. Either you'll leave with a computer for cheap or you'll still be there digging through parts in the numerous stores.

    Honestly, expensive computers != Japan.
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    hawken wrote: »
    Japan is probably the cheapest place on the planet to build a computer. Of course, getting the deals does mean having to read Japanese to a nerd degree (possibly why Esprites friend did not get cheap parts) - go to Akihabara with a shopping list and a Japanese geek dude. Either you'll leave with a computer for cheap or you'll still be there digging through parts in the numerous stores.

    Honestly, expensive computers != Japan.

    Do you know this from exp? Some of the websites I've been to so far don't look so cheap, I'm hoping it's cheap...

    I won't be able to visit Akihabara very often, I'll be down in Kobe, so far I've really been getting mixed signals about this...
  • polygonfreak
    This is the truth... Japan like anywhere else is going to have cheap stuff and expensive stuff. Besides, its next to china and there is always cheap stuff from china.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    electronics in china are rather expensive, unless it's local brands :( best places in asia for electronics are probably japan (lots of cool stuff and most gadgets get released there earlier) and HK (almost?) no sales tax there.
    Lots of folks make HK holidays and bring back bags full of iPads, macbooks, PS3's...

    The only really cheap stuff in China is rip offs. For a while you could get great netbooks which were a 1:1 copy of a real brand (acer, lenovo, etc) but with better specs for a cheaper price. In most malls here you have to haggle like on a turkish bazaar and if you're a foreigner the base price is already higher. If a Chinese accompanies you and you have time, you can haggle the price down to around EU levels.
  • rasmus
    I had mine built from one of the many companies doing that sort of stuff (I used http://www.pc-koubou.jp/), which didn't seem exorbitant but not exactly cheap either - but only because I'm lazy and a Japanese PC nerd was an asset I didn't have :P
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Well, there's no haggling here in Japan, so you might be shit out of luck there, but there are bajillions of websites offering every PC part imaginable under the rising sun.

    Start here:




    Akihabara has loads of place that are unmarked, just boxes and a desk. Legend has it one could find everything one needs to build a nuclear bomb minus the plutonium, from Akihabara.

    I have limited experience with the PC building side of things there, as I run an office and home full of Steve Jobsians. But I go to Akihabara once a week to "relax" and window shop for rare odds and sods. I love a good rummage me.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Buy a good laptop now and bring it with you?
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    Hawken: Those are some pretty cheap prices, if not, similar to what you get here, thats good news, I think i'll buy one when I get to japan, thanks man :)

    Polyhertz: I thought of a laptop, but, for what I need it will probably cost an arm and a leg, although, ...possible.

    Rasmus and Kwramm + Everyone else, thanks for the input! much appreciated! :)
  • Mio
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    Mio polycounter lvl 13
    well i think computer parts in japan are cheaper ,and they got new stuff on market very fast


    u may have a look here..
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