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Contractors - when do you start looking for new work

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Sharvo keyframe

I am in a contract at the moment I have 4months left on it and was just wondering when people normally start looking for a new place.

I would love it if they kept me on, but in my head i just feel that as a contracter as soon as the game is done they wont need as many staff as they are still developing/concepting the next game they will be working on.

I was thinking maybe look 2months to see what is going on and then a month to go, start sending out the cv and portfolio, does this seem wise?


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    maybe this advice isn't for everyone but:

    I've just started as a contractor but I've made it a habit of being very frugal and saving money so I have enough funds to go a good while without work. I find it less stressful to commit myself 100% to finding a new job rather than trying to do it while working. Working 40 hours a week & doing art tests feels exactly like crunch
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Well I've been in that situation a lot, and with my experience I'd say that you should start looking about 3-2 months before. Better earlier than later honestly. And yeah, save up as much money as you can. You'll regret it otherwise.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I was in that situation. I knew my contract would eventually end so I started saving money up just as Justin did. I felt it would be foolish for myself to try and do art tests while still turning out 40 hours a week. When it came to getting a new job I knew I would have to put everything into it and not giving it all the time possible I could would be foolish.

    Also its really not hard to save up money.
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Thanks for the replies, yeah saving money should be ok at the beginning though i was giving out money from all directions deposits for rent etc and then getting hit by a first load of bills, but yeah i should have a bit saved after.

    Yeah trying to do personal work and art tests whilst working is hard, i try and leave it to the weekends, my eyes need rest :)

    Will start looking for a new job in a month or so then, once again thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated. From your advice did jobs happen instantly straight after contracts or did you have a period of no work? I had a few months wait with this first contract, so i assume it will kinda be like that?!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    vancouver seems to be all contract latley and it sucks. I am always open to hearing about new job opportunities even if im only 3 months in on a 10 month contract. the one nice thing about being on contract is you tend to get a steady raises, so if there is a good opportunity go for it. chances are it will take you around a month with all the interviews and waiting whatnot, so the sooner you get started the better.

    The one thing contractors need to get past is the feeling of being super loyal to a company. they hire you as a disposable worker and dont pay you benefits/bonuses/sick days/time off like they do their fulltime employees so dont feel bad when you jump ship for a better opportunity.

    companies realize this and just look at it as business and not personal. I hope it eventually comes back to bite them in the ass when the talent pool dries up because everyone is tired of 1-3 month contracts and moves to areas that hire full time.

    Also, if you start looking while you are employed you tend to have a lot more bargaining power when it comes to negotiating salary/time off etc as they dont view you as a desperate out of work artist who will work for a lower wage. you have to step back and look at as the buisness of yourself and see how the situation can benefit you, rather than holding onto hope of getting your contract renewed/extended.
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    i agree wholeheartedly with pixel-masher. Companies like to stress that they're giving you more money to work on contract too, but they usually just pay you the exact same. They also tend to expect contract workers to work the same amount of over-time as full-time employees, even though none of the perks (bonuses, benefits, sick-days, company perks) are usually there to motivate them.
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah 2-3 months seems to be about the average between jobs. But will all layoffs recently it might take about 4-5 months
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Great insight PixelMasher never really thought to much about the company i work for and the bonuses i should be entitled too. I thought my money was ok as a contractor but then i have never had a full time place, only graduated last year from college. So i have a lot to learn on this side of things.

    But i will take everyones points into consideration especially negotiating, maybe i should start applying now?! Thank you!
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