I was wondering if you guys know which is the best software out there to create a video game, free or not (preferably free though). Me and my friends are working on a video game together, we have the drawings, working on the 3D models, but we do not have the software for the rest of it. Could you guys point me in the right direction? Please?
And, Unity is great, if its just you or you and a very small team, and UDK is also great, but not as easy to learn / get going with fewer people. Unity can also export to multiple platforms very very easily. It takes a bit more work to do that with UDK, but less and less, now with UDK Mobile out there.
So far it is just me, but I am trying to find more people to help me work on the game. I have the drawings and the plan for the game, but I just need the 3D modeling software and the game software to make the whole thing.
Blender (official builds) or from Graphicall (newer "unofficial" builds)
Voidworld (development thread here on Polycount where you can get the latest builds)
Non-free but great value for what you get:
Free for academic use (so you can't sell a game using assets made with any of these software, but you could release for free):
Many Autodesk apps (Max, Maya, Softimage, Mudbox, etc...)
And lastly:
The "Become more efficient: Free or nearly free app's & websites to help us do our jobs..." thread.
Unfortunately the free - open source alternatives don't quite measure up to the commercial offerings such as Adobe Photoshop...
GNU Image Manipulation Program, aka. GIMP. (for textures)
Inkscape (for vector graphics work).
Yoyo Games - Game Maker (Pro version is going from $25 up to $40 at the end of the month)
Scirra Construct
Stencyl - Make flash games.
Well, before even thinking about your choice of game engine to use, you might want to pick up a programmer. To take care, of, you know, the rest of it!
If you have the time and inclination (like me), you can learn the fundamentals of computer science and programming here, course materials here, free pre-press version of the textbook here, and the other textbook here, at the course website.
It just depends on the scope of your game though. Don't expect to write a MMO
And here's my favorite inspirational post on the subject
Thanks for those links Ben. Very helpful stuff there. I myself have recently started trying to learn some programming since finding a good programmer is always the major hurdle that seems to hold me back from making my own games.