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modelled into a corner?

polycounter lvl 7
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3shold polycounter lvl 7
Aloha fellow counters!

Despite the jovial greeting, I've found myself in a wee bit of a spot and I'm hoping the collective ether of genius that it polycount can help me out.

So here's the situation:

I've been trying to learn the intricacies of ZBrush by modelling some concept art I found on the net. I've been making good use of GoZBrush (with Maya) to make changes and the get the model done. So basically, I created the base mesh with something like 3 or 4 subdivisions in A-Pose. I used mesh extraction to make the necessary clothes and such. Once I got to a certain point to where I'd like to start detailing asymmetrical things, I decided to pose the model. The pose it self it pretty simple. It's a basic standing pose with some weight shifts (for flavor). I've looked up the various ways of posing (TPose Master rig, exporting to Maya for rigging, etc.) and I can't seem to find one that will work with the way I modelled this character. Using mesh extraction cause many of my subtools to contain triangles. Which wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't extracted those meshes at higher subdivision levels. This being the case, my polycount was quite high (7 Mil+). I used Decimation master to crunch everything down to 300k. But even at that seems like too many as TPose Master chugs with a rig as well.

Basically, I'm wondering if there's any way to pose this model at this stage. Have I modelled myself into a corner?

I didn't supply any screenshots as my usual longwinded-ness should answer all the questions I could think of. But if you need to see some, just ask.


  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Whoa... retopologize the model then reproject the details onto a NEW clean quadded out mesh? You're blowing my mind.

    How would I do that? Any tutorials you know of that would describe that?

    edit: Will that give me a low poly model? I'd like to do that, at some point. But at this stage, I just want to create a finished and posed high poly model. You know... for shiggles.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    zbrush should automatcally offer the option to do it or you could jsut divided the new mesh a few times and do a project all from the old one to it.

    you get the best results doing this multiple times, divide than project all and repeat.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    There's plenty of tutorials out there on retopologizing in ZBrush.

    Here' one that seems as good a start as any.
    Like most things in ZBrush, it's a bit finicky and takes a bit of messing about to get right, but it's not especially complicated.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    passerby:Hmm.. I think I'm going to have to get cracking on retopologizing this thing. Thanks for the advice.

    Jackablade:Thanks for the link. I'll be checking this out as soon as I get back from class.

    Just so I can be more aware for the next time I scuplt. If I used Transpose Master the correct way (keeping my lowest sub-d levels for all subtools) will the new position still be affected by symmetry?

    hmm... now that I think about it, if I completed the model in an A-Pose and left posing for the very end, then Transpose master would still work fine. That is assuming I still have the lower subdivison levels of my subtools. Correct?
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    dustinbrown: Oh wow. That makes a lot of sense (the posing before hand idea). I think I assumed that Zbrush worked in triangles. It seems like when I zoom in really close or turn on the polyframe all I see is triangles. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Jackablade: Thanks for the link. I think this is going to be what I need to do.

    Thanks again everyone.

    You're all awesome.
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