Aloha fellow counters!
Despite the jovial greeting, I've found myself in a wee bit of a spot and I'm hoping the collective ether of genius that it polycount can help me out.
So here's the situation:
I've been trying to learn the intricacies of ZBrush by modelling some concept art I found on the net. I've been making good use of GoZBrush (with Maya) to make changes and the get the model done. So basically, I created the base mesh with something like 3 or 4 subdivisions in A-Pose. I used mesh extraction to make the necessary clothes and such. Once I got to a certain point to where I'd like to start detailing asymmetrical things, I decided to pose the model. The pose it self it pretty simple. It's a basic standing pose with some weight shifts (for flavor). I've looked up the various ways of posing (TPose Master rig, exporting to Maya for rigging, etc.) and I can't seem to find one that will work with the way I modelled this character. Using mesh extraction cause many of my subtools to contain triangles. Which wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't extracted those meshes at higher subdivision levels. This being the case, my polycount was quite high (7 Mil+). I used Decimation master to crunch everything down to 300k. But even at that seems like too many as TPose Master chugs with a rig as well.
Basically, I'm wondering if there's any way to pose this model at this stage. Have I modelled myself into a corner?
I didn't supply any screenshots as my usual longwinded-ness should answer all the questions I could think of. But if you need to see some, just ask.
How would I do that? Any tutorials you know of that would describe that?
edit: Will that give me a low poly model? I'd like to do that, at some point. But at this stage, I just want to create a finished and posed high poly model. You know... for shiggles.
you get the best results doing this multiple times, divide than project all and repeat.
Here' one that seems as good a start as any.
Like most things in ZBrush, it's a bit finicky and takes a bit of messing about to get right, but it's not especially complicated.
Jackablade:Thanks for the link. I'll be checking this out as soon as I get back from class.
Just so I can be more aware for the next time I scuplt. If I used Transpose Master the correct way (keeping my lowest sub-d levels for all subtools) will the new position still be affected by symmetry?
hmm... now that I think about it, if I completed the model in an A-Pose and left posing for the very end, then Transpose master would still work fine. That is assuming I still have the lower subdivison levels of my subtools. Correct?
Thanks again everyone.
You're all awesome.