Capcom announced Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Version for the system today.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD is a PS3 version of the like named PSP title (minus the HD part, of course).
The game promises full HD visuals, 3D support, shared save data with the PSP version (allowing you to play both on the go and in the home), and online play via Ad Hoc Party. A release is set for Summer.
As the name and Ad Hoc Party might suggest, this actually isn't a new title. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD is part of a new PlayStation 3 series from Sony called PSP Remaster. This series features PSP titles customized for re-release on PS3.
The announcement of MHP 3rd HD came today during an event held to commemorate the mobile Monster Hunter Club having crossed the one million membership mark. The event was live streamed.
I will play the shit out of this! I'll bring my switchaxe!
Lancer ftw.
Monster hunter 3rd may not be a new game, but it hasn't been released in the us or eu, however it is very similar to tri on the wii, and features a lot of the same content.
Cheers for passing this on man!
I love this! Thanks so much for the heads up! Time to watch epic video of awesome!
hope they come through on the whole psp save data > ps3 save data. so that I dont have to grind myself up to HR5 again xD
this will be awesome though
I love MH!!!!!!!! *fanboi squeel*
I'm pumped
Yea they've been working on that one for quite a while actually. Hopefully we'll see some more PS2 collections announced at E3. Rumor has it that they're doing a PS2 FF collection with the International versions (take that with a huge grain of salt though).
Thanks Capcom!
But need a version made specifically made for the PS3.. not this HD ressed up textures/lighting version.
But I shouldn't complain, at least Capcom is listening!
Also.. I may or may not have been the first one to headlock a rathalos with a dragon breaker hammer in the first monster hunter for ps2.
So with that said... bow down bitches.
I think if lots of people buy it will only further Capcoms plans of releasing old games over and over and over again to suck as much money from people as they can without ever having to make an actual new game or franchise...
Indeed, I know for sure that the US has Ad-Hoc Party, I remember downloading it on my PS3 too.