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Color map + vertex lighting?

Hey geniuses!

I'm using Maya 2011.

I'm trying to figure out how to have a mesh with a 512x512 color map with vertex lighting info over the top of it. Does that make sense? So, I want the color map to come through clearly but have the lighting info be baked into the vertices. I thought the pre-lighting option would be the way to go, but it seems to bake the lighting AND color info to the vertices, losing my diffuse color detail.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.


  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    You would like to use Mray for that. Using mray "Batch bake" is better and you could just select to bake on verts and "lighting" info only on the menu. Make sure that after you have baked use the "modulate" or "add" on the "material blend settings". Also remember to set it to AMbient+Diffuse on the "Color Material Channel" menu. You should be gold after that.
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