I used to try and sell my stuff on turbosquid, a site filled with garbage of money-horney amateur 3d artists such as I used to be, and some professional work for high prices. I then decided to put it all up just for free, 'cause I couldn't be bothered anymore.
This turned out awesome! A small company had been using my
spiderman model all through their alpha testing phase, and then started looking for a modeler. One of the guys of their team recognized the username under which my spidey was submitted, and contacted me through the best place on the internet - which is obviously Polycount. He sent me a PM asking if I'd be interested in working with them. A skype call and some negotiating later here I am, doing professional work as a parttime job, while still studying Biology.
I know that this isn't my blog and everything, but this was awesome and I think appropriate

I love story's of coincidence like this, It's kind of how I got my job at Splash. I play WoW and a programmer in the same guild I was in just happened to work there, he ended up passing a CV along and several months later something came up.
That's not the only reason but it certainly kick-started things.
oh wait, it actually is a cool story.
and grats!
congrats man!
Nice Spideydude as well!!
Congratulations. Well deserved because that Spider-Man model is boss.
thanks for sharing
Hmmm.. I have been considering doing such with some of my high res/low res combo models......
(IE million poly model with a low res model the user can bake unto)
Starting to get quite a collection of odds and ends of industrial design products..
thats great!! luck dog....:poly142: :poly142: