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Zbrush Displacement Bake troubleshooting

polycounter lvl 14
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mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
Hey guys,

I think I got myself into a pinch... I made the lips a separate UV shell than the surrounding mouth (didn't feel like fighting UV Layout at the time :() and I'm not sure how to work out the kink it's causing without redoing all my sculpting. I'm fairly new to ZBrush, so any sage advice on tools or methodology would be great. I also think it may be a slight edge flow issue there because a couple of those faces look like their being bent at the tri awkwardly near the corner of the mouth where the issue is occurring. Even if I were to retopo that part, I can't think of any other better way for the edges to flow at that point. Looks legit, but it's causing issues still.

See the attached image.

I'm trying to avoid re-UV Mapping it because that would mean I have to redo my sculpting, right? Would that plugin, GoZ, help with something like this then? Could send it to Maya from ZBrush, export from Maya to UV Layout, do the UV's proper, import it back, send it back to Zbrush? :poly122:

Alternatives? Thoughts?

I thought about how it could be that the base mesh doesn't have enough detail to take the bake well, but after I tried doing a quick fix in photoshop on it, I saw that it's primarily the way I did my UV's.


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I'm trying to avoid re-UV Mapping it because that would mean I have to redo my sculpting, right? Would that plugin, GoZ, help with something like this then? Could send it to Maya from ZBrush, export from Maya to UV Layout, do the UV's proper, import it back, send it back to Zbrush?

    If you export the lowest subdivision, change the UVs, and then reimport it, it should simply update the UVs and preserve all the sculpting.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Sounds good, thanks.

    IT has our computers on such lockdown I think it screwed up the GoZ install... even doing it manually isn't putting the Zbrush sheld in Maya. I'll give this a shot when I get home. I'm glad to hear it's that simple.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Even the default import/export should work (as it does for programs that don't have official GoZ yet).
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I didn't want to start a new thread so I'll ask here. What the hell is going wrong with baking my displacement map? See attached. That's not how my UV's look at all. His pivot is correct too.

    EDIT: I deleted a sub tool and it didn't delete the UV along with it... that's what is causing it.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    So did you resolve the issue?
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Not quite. I'm trying what you said above about reimporting the mesh and letting it redo the UV's, but it's not working. I'm going to keep messing with it, but if you have any more suggestions, I'm all ears.

    EDIT: Here's what I'm doing.

    Load Tool with two sub tools

    Delete eye subtool

    I check the UV map and see the eye is still mapped on top of my shells...

    So, I import in a version with no eyes from Maya. Copy UV's.

    Import in original tool w/eyes. Delete eyes again. Go up to UV's and paste UV's.

    Still produces the issue.

    EDIT2: Still no luck. Even added in a delete UV step before pasting the UV's again. I confirmed that the eye ball shell was gone, but it's still giving me the same wonky displacement map. I've displaced this model before with no problem. Not sure what the issue is suddenly.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Your new UVs aren't touching the 0:1 borders are they?
  • mdeforge
    Offline / Send Message
    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14

    EDIT: I think I may have just figured it out. There was a face covering the whole 1-0 space behind my UV's... can't believe I missed that. Tricky to see when looking at wireframes :(
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I'm kind of confused with what you're doing to be honest. Subtools would have their own independent UV sets, and baking only cares about the active subtool and its subdivision levels unless you're using MME with the subtool option turned on. You shouldn't even need to copy and paste UVs, just export the tool, change the UVs in an external app, and then reimport. No message should pop up, the UVs should automatically be updated. Don't do anything to change the vertex order.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Fixed it! It definitely was that extra face I had floating around in the background. Forgot I had changed the belly button a bit and didn't weld the UV's there. Changing it messed with the vertex order and caused some difficulties, but I managed to save my sculpting job. Everything is great! =]
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