Tried this?
[ame=""]ZBrush Tileable Sculpting 01 - Brush Wrap Setup - YouTube[/ame]
Works great from max if you start in Z and GOZ a plane from it to 3DS (I did a simpler plane and I divide it only with smoothing off thus not needing any "border" so I can save polys and have better resolution / subdivisions and my brush is more responsive).
you can extend the plane all the say you want so you can put alpha on it I guess (let me know). Be warned that wrap mode make sometimes zbrush slow down quite a lot.
Hope it helps!
Yeah, I've used this method in the past. I was hoping for something that wouldn't involve the wrap modes. It gets a bit heavy for my crappy computer at higher tri counts and the extra step of making sure I only get the middle is a bit annoying.
Something more streamline would be nice, I'll keep looking I guess, Thanks though .
You can set up the central tile (the actual important bit) to have a higher density and the exterior doesn't really matter 'cause it's never baked). And create your baker mesh at the same time so that it's just a quad that covers the central tile.
Mudbox has a "Tiling Plane" mesh, but it's even slower than ZBrush's wrap brush. There's a lag after each brush stroke while it duplicates the results over to the other tiles.
cryid: right in the bull’s eyes.
Works great from max if you start in Z and GOZ a plane from it to 3DS (I did a simpler plane and I divide it only with smoothing off thus not needing any "border" so I can save polys and have better resolution / subdivisions and my brush is more responsive).
you can extend the plane all the say you want so you can put alpha on it I guess (let me know). Be warned that wrap mode make sometimes zbrush slow down quite a lot.
Hope it helps!
Something more streamline would be nice, I'll keep looking I guess, Thanks though
You can set up the central tile (the actual important bit) to have a higher density and the exterior doesn't really matter 'cause it's never baked). And create your baker mesh at the same time so that it's just a quad that covers the central tile.
Then you can bake in xnormal quite easily.