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Clean Cut script

polycounter lvl 14
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Mime polycounter lvl 14
I might not be the only one that thinks the cut tool in max does not work properly. It creates double verts, jumps to wrong edges and so on.

i found this script : http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/cleancut
Works really nice, the problem is it doesn't show you the edge or vert its cutting. Sometimes it blinks green for a split second, but most of the time i can't see the vert or edge highlighted.

If any of you guys could update or remake the script so it would work in max 2011, i would be extremely grateful.

Thank you!


  • Mark Dygert
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    I haven't had trouble with the cut tool since max9. Are you cutting in vert mode? That seemed to be the most unstable, I mostly cut in edge mode now and I haven't had problems like that in years.

    Also checking your snap settings and the scale your working at I remember those being pretty big factors.

    Is that a problem for a lot of people in more recent versions of max? Maybe its a hardware issue? Or a driver conflict? Which mouse driver are you using?
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 14
    A lot of my co-workers complain about the cut tool.

    I cut in edge mode as well as vert mode.Almost every time i get at least one double vert. I use a normal Logitech mouse. As for hardware, some of us use ATI's, some use nVIDIA's the rest of the hardware is similar but not identical.

    This happens regardless of the scale. It might happen more often if the object is too small, but i'm just speculating. It also happens regardless if i use snap or not.

    This script worked just fine for me, i just wished it had a bit more visual feedback.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I haven't had trouble with the cut tool since max9. Are you cutting in vert mode? That seemed to be the most unstable, I mostly cut in edge mode now and I haven't had problems like that in years.

    Also checking your snap settings and the scale your working at I remember those being pretty big factors.

    Is that a problem for a lot of people in more recent versions of max? Maybe its a hardware issue? Or a driver conflict? Which mouse driver are you using?

    they changed the tool in max 2010 and ever since its been really error prone.
  • airbrush
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    airbrush polycounter lvl 13
    I've tried that script as well and found it to be somewhat buggy at times. Tried it for the same reasons as you stated...double verts etc, very annoying.
  • Mark Dygert
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    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    they changed the tool in max 2010 and ever since its been really error prone.
    Really? I haven't noticed, maybe its because I do more aniamtion or that when I do model I tend to not cut so much, but use connect and create. I use it from time to time but I just don't have the same kinds of buggy problems other people seem to have...
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Turning on 3d snapping and setting it to face snap seems to fix just about every problem.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Really? I haven't noticed, maybe its because I do more aniamtion or that when I do model I tend to not cut so much, but use connect and create. I use it from time to time but I just don't have the same kinds of buggy problems other people seem to have...

    perhaps its just me but ive found it much more inclined to problems. i cut with snapping enabled and it still makes incorrect cuts and double verts.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    Yeah, I've never had as many problems as others seem to have with it.
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